Chapter 1

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Hi iam , Hannah Valentine and iam here to tell u about my story One day my family bought a new house i only lived with mom and my older brother because my dad went missing a long time ago its a sad story , so we got to the new house it was Big i got in and tried to look for a big room for me i was 8 at that time my brother was 14 So i found a room that i wanted so i said i wanted that room to be mine and she agreed

But my mom said :

"Help me clean up the house before u decorate ur room ok?"

And i said :

"Ok ill go call brother to help"

And i when i called my brother he ran and came to help , after we finished cleaning the house my mom said to go put my stuff in my room and my brother said :

"Ill help u get stuff"

And we both went to my room and my brother helped me so after that me and my brother got to the living room when we got there it was decorated nicely because my mom decorated the living room but my mom said we had to go to sleep because it was getting late.

The Next Day...

Me and my brother woke up we got to the hallway my brother ran faster than me then i saw a doorway down it was very dark but i saw something move down so i ran as fast as i could i ran to my mom and cried i said :

"Mom Theres a Monster in the basment!"

And my mom said :

"Theres nothing there its ok dont be scared"

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