And why he ourple 😂

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It was a lovely summer day and u were standing outside of ur big suburban house.

All ur neighbors were there for some odd reason waving at some man walking down the street.

Oh that's Micheal.

"Hi mikeal!" U said

He was looking a little purple. U went up to him. "U feeling ok? U look a little sick."

"Oh yeah I just got scooped. Im fine tho!"

"Scooped?" U asked. "Wym scoop?"

"Well it's a long story but it started when I accidentally murdered my brother when I was a kid..."

Micheal talked for what seemed like hours. Turning more purple by the minute

"... then that anamatrinc kiled my sister elizabtb and she got all mad that my dad locked her in a bunker and then her friend ennbark stole my body or something....
It's a blur, anyways how have you been?"

"Uh. I've been ok mickel" he was so hot and attractive "u look handsome, purple is actually my favorir color."

"Thx lol" he said.

We were walking down the street for a bit and he just got more and more purple.

All the neighbors got more and more freaked out.
They whispered stuff like
"And why he ourple 😂"

You didn't care tho. U liked Micheal. U thought he was hot and his dad was also pretty hot.

"What happened to ur dad? Willy?" U asked once u remember him.

"He ok. He's a zombie now tho which kinda sucks. But at least he isn't mean to me anymore."

"That's good mikal"
It was good. Wilt was a dilf but he was pretty mean. And he murdered kids n stuff which is pretty rude so.

Mikal Was fully purple now. Like damn I've never seen something so purple. I wondered if his dick was ourple too. It was really hot.

"U wanna grab coffee or something?" I said. His purple eyes lit up. "Yes ofc, y/n, but I don't have a stomach anymore so is it okay if I just watch you drink one?"
"Uh sure, misl"

To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2023 ⏰

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