January 18th 2022

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(I'm a dumbass because I forgot to wish Touya/Dabi happy birthday publicly. :/ I'm almost done with a drawing for him, so I'll post it above when I finish it. But for now, I made a deep, heartfelt love letter to him. I doubt that Touya will read this, but I want him to know how much he means to me if he somehow comes upon this book and this chapter.

You can play the song above while you read this if you want. All rights to the original, So Am I, go to Ava Max. The rights to the slowed version go to the video's creator, strawberryfroggos, on YouTube.

Please don't make fun of me for writing and posting this. Dabi is one of my deepest comfort characters and I've written every part of this letter from the heart because all of it is true from me. It's personal stuff, but I want to share it with you guys and, possibly, him. 

So yeah, please don't comment anything here out of respects for me. I'd prefer if this was just read and not commented on because it's near and dear to my heart, me, and my life.

Those are all the notes I have, let's get to it. Touya/Dabi, whatever you want me to call you, this is for you. ^3^)

January 18th 2022


Touya, happy birthday babe!! 

You've helped me through so much over the past two years and you helped me connect with the love of my life in the real world. You've brought me so much joy when I felt like the world around me was falling apart; you helped me to remember that I'm not alone when I feel insecure about myself. I'm so grateful for everything you've helped me learn about myself over the past two years, babe. 

You remind me that true strength comes from fighting for what you believe in, persevering through everything that tries to tear you apart, and doing what you love. You've helped me to persevere through all of the pain and grief I've experienced over 2020 and 2021 and it means the world to me. You keep letting me know, reminding me and encouraging me that being sad and/or emotional is okay. It's been hard for me to grasp that, but your indirect support and encouragement has helped me to embrace my emotional conditions and vulnerability too. Not only have you helped me to get back up from my stress, pain, struggles, and grief, but you've also helped me learn that I deserve respect and to be treated with respect.

You've taught me to embrace who I am too. You've helped me to understand how freeing it is to stop caring about what other people think and just be myself. It's hard to do, but slowly I am going to show the world who I am. Partially with your help, even if you don't know you're helping me with that. I won't stop doing what I love and loving you for everything you've done for me, bby. I can't imagine how different my life would be if you didn't steal my heart and contribute so much to my self-love journey. 

I don't know if you'll see this long love letter, but if you do, just know that I do love you. I'm in love with you and everything about you. Please never forget that and also remember that I just want you to be happy the way you've helped me to be happy with everything that I love in my life.

Thank you again for everything, Touya. I hope your birthday was as fantabulous as you are to me, my love. I love you so much and I always will.

~𝖘𝖕𝖆𝖈𝖊 𝖒𝖔𝖒

((P.S.: I hope you whoop your dad's a$$. Whether it's getting him hit with a bus, burning him alive, or something else. You deserved better than what he did to you and you always will. Me and all of your fans all over the world wish you the best.))

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