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So desolate, so quiet, so alone. The headstone, in the middle of the graveyard read Natasha's name, and despite knowing she wasn't there, that she wasn't going to reply, and that she was gone, she expected a greeting anyway. All her life, Yelena had no home. She was trying to return to somewhere that didn't exist. Or at least didn't seem to exist. 

Because after so long, she finally, finally reconnected with Natasha. Her older sister, her family, her everything. She was no longer a lonely, vulnerable, forsaken shell of a person. She knew that someone would be able to confide and trust her one day.

She just didn't know she would lose them so fast.

There were far too many blooming flowers and gifts beside it. Yelena missed the times where she could visit a graveyard without seeing her sister's name carved out on one of the headstones. After all, what were the use of these presents? They weren't going to bring her sister back.

Carefully, Yelena got out of the car, making sure her dog followed along.

If only Natasha got to meet Fanny.

If only Natasha could see you now.

If only Natasha never left.

An array of thoughts flooded her head, and she felt as though she might drown in them. Every single thing she did had become something Natasha couldn't do, and despite having such limited time together, she only wished for more of that. For a relatively normal life, even just for a sliver longer.

She walked up to her sister's gravestone, and immediately wrapped her arms around it. She had been so desperate for a hug, or anything of that sort, her entire life. The first and last time it had happened was with Natasha.

Forgive me, little sister. she had said.

But why would Yelena need to forgive Natasha? Instead, Yelena felt as though Natasha needed to forgive her. If she was with her, then she could have stopped it, could have prevented any sacrifices, could have-

It didn't matter. She was gone. "Forgive me, big sister. I'm sorry."

Many more minutes continued to pass, and the minutes without Natasha felt so much longer and far more painful. If Natasha were here then-


Maybe she hadn't truly gone. Perhaps this was merely a cruel prank, and Natasha would appear any second now. Perhaps they could reverse time again, and bring her back. Logically, that seemed unlikely, but Yelena was beyond logic now. Anything to see her sister, whatever it takes.

She whistled.

Whistling had always been their thing. A secret, rather secluded method of communication. Perhaps she would whistle back. 


Nothing but eery silence radiating from her surroundings.


Perhaps she didn't hear. Yelena whistled again.


So she was definitely gone. She just had to learn to deal with it. But how was it fair that she hardly got any time with her? The one time they reconnected were nothing but a countdown to their final ever moment together.

If only she knew then how much she'd be breaking down now.

Yelena was too caught up in her own indulgence and self pity to the point she didn't notice the woman stood next to her until she let out a ridiculously noisy sob. It was rather pathetic, Yelena thought. It's not as though she knew, or loved Natasha in the same way she did.

𝐌𝐘 𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐒 𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐎𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐓 || 𝒀𝑬𝑳𝑬𝑵𝑨 𝑩𝑬𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑨Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz