Deepness of a Pencil

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A pencil. The most simple of all writing tools,
Can save a life, take a life, create a life, and destroy a life.
With a pencil, anyone can create

Their imagination.

With a pencil,
The options are unlimited.

You can doodle for fun
And just have a pencil as your hobby.
You can make your pencil into a money making machine.
You can dedicate your life to that
And life your life because of that

You can change the world with a pencil.

You can create personalities, stories, novels, people, music, anything! All with that

And that one pencil very well may be the most important tool in your life; your most prized possession.

And one day your pencil could be taken away from you. Then every other pencil in the world...
Is hidden
Or broken
Or taken from

And when all the pencils are gone it may seem all hope is lost, all of your life is a lie!

But then, you find a new opportunity.
You see what you have, and you don't give up.

"I don't need that pencil!"
"All I need is me, and I'm beautiful."

And when you gain your confidence and are ready for the world,

You find one special thing
One special thing to change your life

Once more.

You find

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