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Last warning. Skip if you cannot handle violence. Stay safe loves.


My throat released a heart wrenching scream, as it ripped to the surface.

Frantically banging the wooden floor beneath me, it implanted painful blisters and nicks into my hand. The thick blood throbbed at my finger tips, trickling down to my palm. The stream long enough I could see my bruised expression.

Given no time to respond, a blade jacked its way into my calf. It struck the major artery in my leg, the femoral artery. I tried my best to move away with the little movement of my legs, but it was to no avail.

The attacker, masked in gray, gave my jaw a shallow punch. Nonetheless, I shrieked in horror as it felt dysfunctional. My shoulders cradled my body, as I heaved breaths. My lungs felt like a raging a storm, unable to find its calm.

After the first punch, an onslaught of punches followed suite. My head, spinning, fighting to endure, while everything else begged for freedom.

"Stop! Please." My pleads hitched in my throat, which received a breathtaking kick. Shutting down my vocal ability, I found myself releasing coughs.

My calf ached as the attacker removed the knife, giving me a sparing look. For a split second, I thought I'd be done. I could rest. But the next split second, I was wrong. An aghast look of pain terrorized my face, as an outburst of tears flooded my face. He ensured my leg bled out till I was drained completely.

Hammering a new blade, similar to a butcher knife, he dug it into my other leg. My ankle split an inch, hanging by threads of skin. Blood oozed from the wound, coating my bruised heels with its warmth.

A cycle repeated, as he stabbed all that he could. My body became cold, numb, and suddenly unconscious.

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