Part I

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They police were hot on my trail, they kept coming and coming everywhere I looked there was a cop car, I was starting to freak out. Just take a deep breath...

"Kara, wake up" screamed my roommate Dolores, "have you read the newspaper yet".
Uggggg I thought it was 7am I spent all night last night working on my book. "What the fuck do you want Doll" (that's my nickname for her, she's   been my best friend since college)
She suddenly burst down my bedroom door and shoved the paper into my face. I rubbed my face, "oh for god's sake come on" she squealed.
Ugggg what I opened my eyes and started to read, "Oh look another murder in New York, surprise surprise." "No not that part". "She opened the bestselling books list... Look" she said sounding exasperated. My heart sank when I saw the chart
"#1 Murder in Creek falls".
No, I thought, that book was never supposed to be published. The memories cane flooding back to me, the blood on my hands, his screams, I pushed them out of my head and looked at Dolores.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2022 ⏰

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