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Heyo! This will be the rules for this rp book, if you go against any rules, I'm going to either ignore your rp requests in the comments or delete your comments that you make on my book. Also, if you just go straight to form and ask to tag your oc, I'm not responding mf. Read the goddamn rules.

If you wish to tag me on your oc, do not ask me if you can tag, it's fine, just tell me in the comments that you'll be tagging me on your oc

Please do not tag me on a fantasy oc, if you don't have a realistic oc or a realistic image of them, then you can't use the form, this is an irl tv show, not an anime. Also, do not try to use photos in the comments if you're filling a form. Just describe how your oc's looks. And if it's a tag, please use realistic pictures for their looks, it's all about imagery for my brain to see what they look like so I can imagine the scenario, sorry, that's just how my brain works lol.

I will not be rping in first or second person, this rp is strictly third person only.

One liners are banned. You can either give me 3-4 sentences, or a paragraph if you wants too, just nothing short and sweet, this is a drama rp.

I play your crush and you play mine. There are zero exceptions to this. Also, do not try to negotiate on switching oc crushes, this isn't those things where you can pick between crushes to play.

This is one on one rp with me, I feel very uncomfortable doing group rp's so don't barge into anyone else rp's in the comments, you can look at them and stuff, but please do not disturb them. (If it's a pm rp, this rule does apply, cause you can't make group chats in PM's)

Please respect me if I am not in the mood for something specific, like angst or smut, sometimes we all need some good ol' serotonin

Do not, and I mean, DO NOT, spam me. I have a life off the app, like school, chores, etc. Do not continue the rp without me or I will not reply ever.

If you get triggered by drug use, abuse, alcohol, or anything else along those lines, this isn't the book for your to rp in, sorry, but that's what Euphoria touches on

Smut and cursing are allowed, but if you don't want to do neither, that's fine. We can either rp the smut parts in pm or comments. Also, please don't make every rp smut, I want drama, excitement, and actual energy!

It's more exciting when you get graphic with things- so please be as graphic as you want! (Like if there's a fight scene and theirs blood dripping down someone's nose, or if it's smut, idfc, have fun with it! Unless your not comfortable with it then that's fine.)

I will not rp any of y'all if you make an oc that's under the age of 16 with a crush on Ashtray, or just in general is under the age of 16, I get that Ashtray is in the show and deals with heavy shit. But I feel very uncomfortable roleplaying with young oc's with such heavy topics, unless it's a flashback with your older oc, then it's fine

If anything triggers you, tell me before roleplaying with me, do not tell me when we're in the middle of an rp in the middle of a specific thing that triggers you. I will try to ask before we do heavy things, but you gotta understand that I have the memory of a goldfish.

Make their backstories interesting, at least give it the 50/50 type of story where some of it is sad and some part of it is happy (like if they have a good parent, person or pet in their life.) Or you can give them a normally life and background, whatever you want!

I draw the line when an underage oc has a crush on an adult character. I will not rp with you unless your change their crush. Like if your oc is 16, and their crush is 18 (the legal adult age), then it's pedophilia and you can't change my mind. Don't hit me with the "in some countries-" Ya I know, Euphoria is set in Los Angeles, so no, stfu.

Please do not pick multiple oc's to play, I'm not gonna force my brain to try and rp two separate scenarios.

Please respect my boundaries and just respect me in general, even though this is just on the internet and we're roleplaying online, I am a human being and you need to understand that I have feelings. Don't throw a damn hissy fit if I deny rping with you cause you broke a rule or I'm too tired to rp with anyone new.

Adding to rule 15; I'm not allowing pedophilic, incest, stepcest things in the rp, so no teacher x student, no mother x son, no sister x stepbrother or biology brother, etc, that shits disgusting.

If you have an idea for a scenario, please tell me here! Also I can get confused with rp scenarios so please give me at least some easy details/an easy description on what type of scenario you wish to rp (either in bullet points or a short sentence in full detail)

Have fun! I hope we can come up with cool scenarios and ideas before we rp!

Password: Name your favorite Euphoria character and why, I'll go first!

So, my favorite is Fezco, I personally really love him cause I think he's a very kind character who will take care of his friends and look after them, it doesn't particularly inspire me, it just warms my heart to see those kinds of characters. (Also he's very attractive)

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