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Kevin is a normal guy that's an angle and is in love with a um demon, he's proud of it hell he doesn't care what his dads side has to say but his mom's. Oh he's afraid even if his parents don't care they say "love is love son" or "if you love him we're go to love him too" and so on but he's still scared of his mom's family but also the demon he's in love with Edward Rogers fucking Vicente yep one of the most famous, popular,and hottest boy's in his damn school and he has brains also he's fastest swimmer in the school's system with a good well built body but it's not like he's got a chance with Edward like he gets love letters from half the girls and some boys but he never accepts them he always returns the letters with there missed spelled words or errors and reads it out loud so the whole school can here and the poor soul that gave him the letter is always crushed by this so he doesn't even try he's to scared too but that doesn't stop him from practicing and fixing his mistakes and errors just in case he get the chance and or courage to leave him a little love letter sad he knows.

Edward he's your casual guy that's a black blood demon and the team captain of the swim team and the BIGGEST THREAT OF HIS SCHOOL, he can ruin your life if he wanted to he's got dirt on everyone and I mean EVERYONE EVEN THE TEACHER'S. But even with that he still has simp's it's sad for the people who give him the letters and he just embarrasses them in front of the whole school. He's at the top in all of his classes and oh his lovely little pumpkin is of course the second now he knows that he's a demon and his AND ONLY HIS pumpkin is a angle but that won't stop him from flirting with or teasing him. He hates that other people will gift his pumpkin flowers or teddy bears and the list goes on so he always pins Kevin to his locker and teases him with a lot of flirting after that he goes after the guy,girl,or whatever you go by (he's a demon not a monster) and starts a fight with the person then mess with whoever gave him a love letter that day. Ah if only his lovely little pumpkin new how he would kill for him quiet literally .

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