Under Pressure

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Me and a classmate named Jia walked out of Bunker Hill Community College's general history class after a test. She had to take history to get into a medical program while I'm a history major. We had plenty of time to hang out until our next class. We plumped ourselves on the floor against the hallway wall.

"My brain is incinerated," I said.

"Tell me about it."

"So glad it's over, forty questions for one module."

"What my parents always say, 'welcome to adulthood," Jia sighed.

I chuckled.

"One thing my father always says,'don't be afraid to ask for help, for anything,' I know you've been stressing about your education in general, you should study with me at my apartment for our next test, plus, my father used to be a college professor."

"Used to be, what does he do now?"

"Paranormal investigator."

She huffed.

"Thanks but no thanks."

"How come, Dad can help us, I always ask anytime I need it."

"According to my culture, asking for help or charity is weak, not hard working, you know."

"They're hard on you huh?"


She sighed.

"I'm tired...and nervous about the next test, I..."

She sighed again.

"You know what, I'm gonna take a walk alone, clearing my mind."

"That's a good idea."

We both got up, she hugged me.

"See ya Mia, love you."

"Love you too Jia."

She held the hug for about five seconds before letting go.


She walked away.

A couple days later, I went back to college, I go two days a week which is full time. Me and Jia always met at the library but this time, she wasn't there. I saw one of the janitors, a black man named Oscar, changing the long bulbs on the ceiling.

" Morning Oscar."

He looked at me and smiled.

"Hey, mornin' Mia."

"I thought you just changed those last week."

"I know but the lights have been flickerin'...all over the campus, these bulbs are brand new and still flickerin'."

"I don't know, you know more about this stuff than I."

"I don't know either, this has never happened before."

"Could it be a ghost...poltergeist?"

"Nah, I don't believe in that sorta thing, the college ain't that old anyway...around thirty years."

"Thirty years is a long time, more than long enough for paranormal activity."

Suddenly, the books on the new releases shelf started flying.

"Oh Hell no!"

He got down from the step ladder.

"Let's get outta here!"

We fled the library.

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