He-ey! It's been a while!!

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Hello, my lovelies!! How are you doing, how have you been? How has your year treated you so far?

Look- I know, i know..It's been, what..2-3 years since I've updated this book? 😅 I'm so terrible with time..
Listen, I never intended to take this long of a break..promise!!

Just, one day I stopped writing, and I eventually forgot about it. The book, I mean- lol-

There was just so much going on. I became really stressed out, and I really wasn't having a good time..but I know that isn't an excuse. Haha. 😅
Actually, truth is, I've started to miss writing..and I've started to miss you, too!

Your comments, obviously. Lol. 😉

I know it's been a while since I've written a story, and I know it might seem like I'm a bit rusty, but don't worry!! I've been practicing behind the scenes, LOL!! I actually have something great planned for this book in mind!! I think you'll like it! This book won't be just a One-Shot anymore!! 😉 (But it will be.)

But it'll take a while to execute, though!!! So please be patient. I'll release the book officially again after I'm done with at least 5 stories. And yes - Posted all at the same time! 😏 Don't you just love me? 😋

And also-Yeah, I went missing without a warning or a word for a very long time, and I saw some of your concerns. 😅 I am so very sorry for scaring you!! Im flattered that you care, though!! 😉

But yeah, thank youuu aaaall for being so awesome and kind! To be honest, thinking about it now, you guys probably forgot about me. 😂 

Yeap, im just gonna head to sleep, now. It's like, 2AM. Plus I didn't want this to be too long. Thanks for all of your understanding!!!🫂
I hope you have a treasured day/night/afternoon-evening!!!

Peace ☮️ Love ❤️

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