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I suck at writing Poems but life sucks, so why not
These dark moments better a pathway to happiness

Stare at your face till you hate it
Stare at your body till it look so hideous you can't believe this is yours
All this and no appeal
Despise your laughter
Despise your smile and your communication skill
Still not enough to find appeal in a deep sleep
Suffer body dysphoria
Suffer depression
Suffer and suffer ,yet its no appeal in that
My will to live has proven to be very strong, yet its not enough to drag me out of this trance

Question your reasoning
Question the way you act
"Why am I being so dramatic?"
Yet it's not enough appeal to take a final step

No appeal , but anytime I close my eyes to imagine what happiness feels like, it feels like I've been miserable forever .
How do I not find that appeal in this type of misery?

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