Skyler bloom

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Name: Skyler

Age: 15

Height: 5'4

Weight: 89 pounds


Sexuality: Bisexual

Family: Father, no siblings, Mother is dead

Relationship status: Single

Personality: Skyler is quite timid and, ze hates having to be social due to zis anxiety. Zis anxiety and panic attacks are triggered very easily and ze tends to breakdown alot as well. Skyler may not like being around a lot of people though ze hates being alone, it scares zim. Unlike most shy people, even when ze gets to know someone, ze is still kind of shy. Ze tries to as kind as ze can though ze can but all ze has been through has left zim cold and broken. When ze feels as ze is being judge, you wont see zim for a while and ze may even begin to act depressed.

Other:  •

°likes to dye zis hair alot

• favourite colour is Magenta

°Loves coffee but dislikes starbucks

• Has a male body

°Pureblooded neko

•Abused alot by zis father

°Scared of belts and when people raise the hands up at him

•Loves dogs

°Never take his phone away from zim

•Ze doesn't sleep often

( I have not spelled his or him or her in correctly in this. I used Ze and zis which are gender neutral pronouns. Correct me if I'm wrong ^~^ )

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2015 ⏰

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