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The days of sadness where thought to be behind them. They thought that life was good, no more being hunted, but they where sure wrong! The life they lived with death was now just a dream and some how this new reality sucked even more! The old life, being hunted and killed seemed easier, it was easier to let them go. But now you see them again, but even though their hearts are still beating, there dead! They are robots only made to serve at the army's will. They are to kill and they cannot be stopped. The government steals everything from them, there mind, soul, heart, they steal everything until they are left with nothing!

John my old friend was the prototype, he leads the world in death and distruction! The world fears his name, his face, and now his species. The world now sees me, my brother, my friends, even though we are just as affriad. The humans don't feel safe in there own home, and they shouldn't, as long as John is out there they should be afraid. I am.

My little brother Luca had a hard time figuring out who he is! Him being so young, he shouldn't be so afraid, but now even the light sacares him! He doesn't want to be one of them, he wants to grow old, to fall in love, and break some hearts on the way! He wants to be free and not stsay in the shadows!

My friend Cara, shows no fear, even though her heart is broken! She loved John and still does! We tried to make it work but every time we took a step twords happiness John would show up and her heart would break all over again! I know I shouldn't give up on her, I love her but she doesn't love me, and no love is better then one when they don't love you! But not only that Cara is having a hard time with life, after her accident, life seems harder for her, like the world is punishing her, and she doesn't understand, she doesn't get why the world is punishing her, and I'm not going be the one to tell her she cheated death!

Russell stepped up from his betrayal, we don't think of it as that, we think of it as him wanting to live! He has been a good friend to me! He is my bro, he makes me feel young! Doesn't matter if we are doing something stupid for the right reason or the wrong he is by my side! He knows how bad it is in the world! Hes being hunted almost as much as me or Cara. He goes out and takes down the wanted posters! (Posters put out all over the world to take us in, he made the top 5.) But other then that he is living! He isn't scared to take a risk because he knows that hiding isn't living and if they aren't living they are just like the governments robots! I admire him for that! Hes one of the only people that are alive and livon there life to the fullests!

Astrid is gone! She is just gone, after everything happened she just dissapeared! Gone! I looked for her for months but we think John took her! We think he loved her, even though Cara refuses to think that way!

Jedikiah turned out just like how I thought of him since the beginning he started the project on soldiers, he took Johnm and made him the first, he is a monster and that's how he should be remembered as a monster! A monster! A MONSTER! He started the first hunt and now the second! He made the world afraid of us, told them we could kill, told them we where out to destroy everyone who wasn't like us! Told them that there was a special group that wants to help them! 911 is no longer a number you call to feel safe! 2014 is now the number! The year it started! He has people calling for everything! And he sends people! He makes them feel safe, even though every time they call they are less safe! Them calling and allowing this project to live is making the world a police state! New York that used to be unsafe to let your kids go are now being injected with tracking devices! These devices are thought to be a good thing, thought of being optional to get but they are no such thing! If you refuse they bring you to camp! Nothing like summer camp where you go and eat burnt marshmallows, camp like the ones are people go to where they are brain washed and come out like zombies! Or you get the injection and they track everything you do! They track the things you think! But what are we supposed to do? We run and they find us, we stay and they find us! We find happiness and they kill it as fast as they can! We find hope and its squished like a bug! We find joy and its ripped out beneath our feet! But when we find sadness they welcome it! When we are scared they take it as there chance to strike! When we find nothing at the end of the tunnel they laugh and wait for us to give up! Try take everything, they take and take and take! The never leave us with anything but a bloody nose and a bruised eye! When their is a sparkle in our eye they take water and wash it out!
Now who am I??? My name is Stephen and I am a survivor! I will live life to the fullest, I will see the beauty they are trying to take from the world! I will find the truth, I will stop this mess before it grows! They think they are killing us like a weed, well they haven't seen me coming! Because when I strike, it won't be to win a battle, it will be to win the war! My name is Stephen and get ready world I'm coming to win!!!

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