Chapter 1

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I never thought my life would end this way, but it did. I never knew that I would live a life like the one I lived, but I sure as hell lived it; and there is nothing I could/would want to change.

You know that feeling you
Get in your heart when you know you truly love someone? Not like the cheesy "I love you, you mean the word to me babe" after a week of dating type of love.. But the type of love that gives you chest pains when you think of your life without them.
It was the week before
Prom, the time of year everyone was waiting for. Now that it was here I wish it wasn't. The guy I've slowly but surely fallen in love with still hasn't asked me. The thing is, he is my boyfriend of 2 years, 1 month, and 7days. Don't ask why I count the days, I just do. Anyways, he is the most amazing guy you could ever lay your eyes on. He's a jock of corse, dark hair and gorgeous green eyes that shine like the stars in the night. His smile could light a room, as well as my heart. Adam is his name and just the thought of his name gives me butterflies.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2015 ⏰

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