"Ash Jones you have a choice to go to The dessert or stay in prison." The judge says.
Ash picked The summer camp. However no injury was warned to Ash or the place.

They say Summer camp use to have a lake but it's still here but the trees long one after evolutions of time. The camp has classed up to 10 camps.

Ash was on the bus and 4 rows up was a guard with a gun on his lap. All he done was started until the bus stopped.
It reached to Summer camp and the guard got it first then Stanley. She thanked the driver and left.
The river however was soon going. Going to soon.

After the day, Ash and the other teenagers was given code numbers. Ash was picked as the "54".
Of course there was 54 children She was the last one. They was sent out across Summer camp to dig holes.
No warning however they were was given a warning.

Never go in 100 bed.

Now there was tent 34 or where ever the bed was but never go in it? It was still full of green snakes.

Ash calls them "Green death" due to its green pattens in its body.
However, Ash and 24 was digger holes will each over but then she saw a black body.
"Ash there is a black body in the sand!" 24 shouted.
"Jack step back don't!" Ash shouted but the snake came out. It was known for its venomous bite and it could cause death.

Jack didn't step back but the snake was hissing at him. Then the bite happened. Jack fell to the ground and left Ash running telling others.
When the news happen the guard saw the body on the ground dead.

What a shame...

Tonight's dinner was dread full after the news of Jack (24) death. It was silence.
The guard told us to take a shower.

Five minutes only.

The water was cold but I may get use to it.
I went back to tent C and slept.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2022 ⏰

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