Chapter 1

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The night was off to a terrible start.
You'd think that parties would turn out awesome, right - so what could possibly happen?

Here's a brief summary:

Generally, you're not that type of person whose life is only about socializing and people, it kind of seemed superficial to you, if you didn't really feel the bond between the two. Quality over quantity, as they'd say.
You couldn't really say you were a loner though, you had a few close friends, most of them beeing your dorm roomates or college classmates you befriended over these couple of years. Xiangling, Chongyun, Xingqiu and Hu Tao(with an honorable mention of Xinyan) were your family, basically. Having to be separate from your biological one, it was only natural for you to form one here. Being friends with them is probably the best thing that's happened to you in these recent years, you instantly clicked and had a lot in common.
This morning, Hu Tao seemed pretty eager to tell you something, as soon as she saw you, she rushed over to sit next to you.
"You won't believe what I heard today." she finally spoke, the excitedness in her voice being as equal as on her face.
"A party will be taking place tonight. And not only that, it's Beidou's party. Hey, do you really see where I'm going with this?? You seem like you don't care."
"It's not that I don't care, it's just you know parties really aren't my thing - especially when it comes to Beidou's", you tried to be as much chill about it as you could, but the truth was - you were kind of intimidated. In any case, you'd surely end up going, but somehow always be left alone in the host's kitchen eating or drinking something.
"(Name), I'll surely be disappointed if you decide to not come. Besides, Xingqiu plans confessing to Chongyun, you wouldn't miss out on that would ya' ?", she gave you her signature smile accompanied with the peace sign.
"Oh well, I have another class right now, so I'll get going, I expect you there at 8:00!" she gave you a hug and left as fast as she entered the classroom.
"I guess I'll go then..." , you whispered to yourself.

And yet, it became an another decision you regretted.

Beidou's parties always meant a lot of alcohol, and probably a whole load of other stuff, seeing that 90% of people here looked high. As per your assumptions, Hu Tao sticked with you in the beginning until she met some other friends, you didn't know where Xingqiu and Chongyun were, and it looked like Xiangling didn't even come. 'Smart unlike me', you thought.
Xinyan was also here, but it was impossible to approach her, as she was standing on the center table singing her heart out. Well, somebody atleast was having a good time, right?

One hour into the party, Hu Tao was nowhere to be seen, and you didn't really bother looking for her, as she was probably drunk right now and will eventually find you when it's time for you to head back home. Man was this larty all just unfamiliar faces. I mean you did see them on campus from time to time, but you didn't know any of them personally. The worst feeling is beeing surrounded by so many people, yet feel so alone at the same time. Is this the consequence of your own disocializing from the world? Who knows, but one thing you did know is that this party was obviously not for you.

One more hour later, the party was at its peak. Drinks were splaterring everywhere, random couples making out on almost every corner you step to. Then by surprise, something struck you from behind.
"(Name) it's just me dont worry." it was Hu Tao, (obviously) drunk and having the best time of her life. You kind of envied her, being able to adjust to any enviroment with no difficulties.
"And where the hell have you been all this time?" , you shouted due to the music being too loud, mixed with ocassional shouts from some random people.
"That's not important, come with me right now." , and without even letting you process what she's just said, she dragged you over what seemed like the entirety of this house, until both of you were standing in front of some group of people who were sitting on the floor. Seeing the bottle in the middle of it, you assumed what was coming, and did not like it.

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