Introductory Introduction?

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Forgive me for selfishly creating a work that explores my inner thoughts and confessions as a new adult who refuses to believe life revolves around obeying power hungry men and allowing life to fade away in a 9-5 job. I say, no. No to the patriarchy, no to the binding contracts of a 9-5 job, no to being forced to exist in a world full of hate. 

I want to make this a free and supportive space for everyone to pour their own thoughts and feelings into. I want this work to not belong to me, but belong to everyone who wants to get anything off their chest, off their mind. Don't let a thought eat away at your mind, express it with the promise of no judgement or hate. 

Predominantly this is a piece that I will use as a kind of diary, I want people to feel the same. Please message me or even comment any thoughts and or opinions and it will be my pleasure to publish it. I dont want anyone to ever feel alone. I hope you can see this work progress as a community of people who simply want to freely exist in a world that is peaceful, kind and full of love. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2022 ⏰

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