■Jack Grealish■

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Mentions of self harm and alot 9f cuteness!
"Babe? Whyd you do it?"My handsome boyfriend of nearly 4 years asked as he gently rubbed my knew self harm scar on my left arm.

"I don't wanna talk about it okay!?"I say attempting to pull my arm away which results in him tightening his grip.

"No. Please talk to me. I cant do anything if you don't tell me whats making you do it...Is it me?"once he said the last part he lost his grip and stepped back at that point I noticed the tears welling in his eyes.

"What! NO! Baby...of course its not. Its your friends Jack."I say stepping towards him whilst gently rubbing up and down my arm.

"What do you mean...What have they been saying!?"he said looking furious within seconds. "I swear to god ill fucking kill them"he says running his hand through his long golden locks.

"No calm down babe. Its just the jokes they make...they dont realise it but they goes deeper than the surface..."i say pressing my head on his chest.

"What jokes have they made about you Y/n"he asks confusion linging his voice.

"They make snarky little comments like 'Oh shes eating again...no surprise' and stuff like 'better dish your food up now before Y/n comes'. It's makes me feel like absolute shite 24 7. I agree but they dont need-"i say but Jack quickly cuts me of.

"What..shush. Babe your acctually stunning. I've been with Victoria Secret models and they when heartless. You on the other hand you arnt big at all but even if you were huge I'd still love you because you've always been mine and I wouldn't have it any other way so please shut it before you start talking the absolute bullshit that's your 'fat' when your not"he says kissing my forehead at the end of his mini speech.

"I love you baby, thank you Jackie say sniffing the tears up and kissing his lips.

"I love you more sexy" he says smacking my ass which sniffles me q small giggle.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2022 ⏰

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