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Young 6 year old Kate Bishop and young 7 year old Yelena Belova who both live in Ohio are best friends and they would spent every waking moment together as well as tell eachother everything which isn't that much since there only kids but still.

They would have sleepovers at each other's houses almost every night to or unless they did before Yelena left Ohio one night and didn't even say goodbye to Kate.

Young Kate was obviously heart broken but this because she just lost her best friend and she was still confused to this day about why yelena left or aleast why she never contacted her again after she left.

Young Yelena was also heartbroken that she had to leave Kate. Her life was never the same after she left her she was given to a place called the red room by her so called father I say so called because it wasn't a real family she in but I'll get more into that later.

She lived in the red room for the rest of her childhood and was raised as a assassin along with her sister Natasha

Kate didn't have The best childhood after Yelena left either. When she was around 9 she moved from Ohio to New York and about a year later kate parents would fight all the time and bombs started going off everywhere there was also where flying robots in the sky and in the mist of all this Kate's house was destroyed

And her father died so to get her mind off him being gone she started doing archery and she become really good at it and won lots of metals

Where the story begins Kate Bishop is 22 years old and Yelena Belova is 23 Yelena had just got here life back as in she was just Cured for the brain wash the red room put her under and she was trying to other young widows be cured too well also trying to find out why/how she sister had died

Right after the blonde is done placing flowers beside her sisters grave she does her part of the secret whistle she would do with her sister pretending like nat whistled back but as she stood up to leave she turns around and her boss is there with a new assignment she thinks Yelena will like she had found the man responsible for Natasha's death the boss lady shows her a picture or Clint Barton and told her her next assignments was to kill him

Kate had just won yet another archery competition and was practising, when she accidentally destroyed a bell tower so she had to go to an auction/party  with her mom Eleanor bishop to make up for it and at this party she was walking around and found her soon to be step father at a secret underground auction

The brunette stayed at the Auction and watched for a little bit under a van drove right though the wall well trying to look for a watch they were selling at the auction and when the thieves weren't looking a slipped into this black suit with gold strips then she started fighting the thieves because a couple years ago she got A black belt in karate and when she was running away from the thieves she saw a dog and thought to her self I have to go save it

After she saves the dog and parts it in her apartment with a slice a pizza for its dinner she going's back out side and right as steping out she gets pulled to the side of wall but Clint Barton he says where'd you get that suit then kate says omg your HAWKEYE! You have been my idol for as long as I can remember Clint repeating himself then says where'd you get suit to what Kate reposts like idk it a some auction these thrives broke into so I put it on fought off the thrives and saved a dog

Clint and Kate be come friends

Yelena on the other hand flys down to New York to avenge her sister and kill Clint about day after yelena gets to New York and she about to go Barton hunting she sees someone who looks exactly like her old best friend and she thinks to her self is that Kate bishop but she just shakes it off go Barton hunting later that night she finds him and as there fight in the dark someone in a purple archery suit with a bow an arrow joins the fight on Clint's side and they both get were able to get away

The next day Yelena finds and breaks into what she thinks is Clint's apartment but it's actually Yelena's

And that's where our story begins

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