Chapter 1 - I Believe What You Said

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Chapter 1 Plotline

Andy's friends decided to pull a little prank on him, by taking his keys to his house and hiding it in a darken barn.

A couple of fun little minigames were involved, but Andy starts to have a strange feeling that someone was watching him from the darkness.

When he finally gained access into the barn, the apple boy realized how sick of a prank it was.

Rethinking his whole "life", wondering if the others were doing this because they knew he was hiding something. Something about all their pasts.

Meanwhile, while waiting for Andy to come out with his keys in the not so well thought of prank, Melody proceeds to rush inside to try and find Andy. When she failed to call the prank off.

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"Well, if you guys say so. Let's play some games!"

Everyone proceeded to scattered around the apple farm, going over to their little spots to set up their respective minigames to collect Bonus Stickers

Andy began to think on who to go towards first for this fun morning activity. Somewhat fun, according to the apple, since the others took his keys to his house, seemingly as a prank.

He politely approached Melody, who was gently strumming the strings on her magical harp. The moon also looked like she was practicing her magic again.

"Hey Melody!", Andy waved with glee at the young moon.

Melody smiled when she saw the apple, "Hi Andy! Do you want to play a song with me?"

The apple got out his guitar, ready to play with his dear friend.

"Awesome! Just let me adjust my harp's strings, then we can play!"

Both Andy and Melody proceeded to start playing a small song that they once heard on the radio. That being, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star!

The two played the song gracefully with love and passion towards this, both of them doing great on their end of their respective duet.

"Oh wow!", Melody smiled happily, "You're good at playing the guitar! Here's a Bonus Sticker for all your hard work!"

Andy chuckled in return, before being handed over the Bonus Sticker from the young moon. He could've sworn he felt a familiar feeling when he touched her hand while getting the sticker.

"Andy?", Melody started to ask, looking a bit concern for the apple.

Andy, who already took the Bonus Sticker, started to reply, "Yes Melody? Is something the matter?"

She looked at him, feeling slightly timid. But she decided to brush it off, "Oh, sorry Andy. I thought I saw uhh, someone nearby!"

The apple raised an eyebrow, made immediately returned to his normal socially happy state, "It's okay Melody. I understand if you were just trying to look after me. You are such a great friend."

Melody could've sworn that Andy cringed a little when he said the word "friend", almost as if he wanted to say something else.

"Well, I better go see what the others have planned for me! See you the Melody!"

Andy proceeded to leave Melody to practice her magic on her harp, making sure not to look back. For some strange reason.

She noticed a sliver of an image of a middle-aged man, a game developer possibly, while watching Andy head on his merry way. A small frown slowly formed, almost like Melody wanted to let out a deep dark secret.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2022 ⏰

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