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Tw- this whole book deals with death, mental illness, and murder. If you are sensitive to any of these I then recommend that you do not read this. Thank you!

Life isn't always fair.

That was a lesson I had to learn really early in life. While most kids got to spend their early life having fun and playing games, I was stuck inside. My parents loved me very much. Since they loved me so much, they wanted to protect me in any way possible. This meant no going outside to play with others, no talking to strangers, and especially no roughhousing. Ever since I was born, I had this helicopter always over my shoulder, watching my every move. It wasn't fair. Why couldn't I go out and talk to people? Why did I always have to be stuck inside? What did I do in life to cause me to be stuck here? I thought about these things over and over again throughout my early childhood. Then my quirk came. I think my parents were hoping for a quirkless child. Something easy that couldn't fight back. That way I wouldn't have to go through all of the troubles they went through as children. Unfortunately, that was not the case. My quirk quickly grew into something that I or my parents couldn't handle. I grew up inside my tiny home learning only what was taught to me by the people who raised me. All I ever knew was about how heroes had caused chaos and disruption to the world. They had no place calling themselves heroes because they only 'helped' people for the money. There was no other reason besides filling their selfish desires. All I ever wanted was to make my family happy. I wanted to see my mom smiling at me, and my dad telling me how proud he was of me. I learned too late about what my purpose for my parents was.

"Mom, what can I do to make you happy?" I would always ask her.

"All you have to do is work hard and show your father and me that you are ready to work with us." I never knew what they did. I was expected to go work with my mom and dad when I turned 14. That never happened.

'But mom! That's so far away! What can I do now? I can make cookies or a cake. I want to make you and Daddy hap-" There was a loud pounding at the door. There was a face stricken with fear, sitting on my mom's face. Her eyes glanced at me, then back at the front door. My father came down the stairs with the same fear strike face my mother had.

I asked, "What's going on?"

"Honey," my mother whispered and knelt down to me, " I need you to do as we said and go downstairs and hide in the basement closet. Sit in there real quiet and don't make a sound. We will come to find you after we talk to the strangers." My mom gave me a quick hug and kissed my forehead. I ran down to the basement as quietly as possible and locked myself in the closet hidden in the back of the room. I listened to what was happening on the floor above me.

"Rina and James Brown, you are under arrest for suspicion of Drug and Human Trafficking. You have the right to remain silent and anything you say or do will be held against you in the Court of law." There was loud arguing.

"Get your FUCKING HANDS OFF OF MY HUSBAND!" There was screaming. Too much screaming. And then it all came to a stop. Two popping sounds went off, and I could hear my father crying. By then tears were falling down my face. I didn't know what happened. Then by what seemed like an eternity later, I was found. My body was curled into a tiny ball. My face was soaked with salted tears. I refused to let anybody touch me until I got so tired that I couldn't fight any longer. I looked around my home. It was destroyed. The only thing I had ever come to know in my entire life had been ruined. There were heroes all around my house. They were looking through everything that had ever mattered to me like it was nothing. There was this red liquid sprawled on the carpet. It was blocked off by this taping. My living room was in shambles. The couch had been moved to the wall closest to the door. The lamp had fallen over and the glass was shattered. I was terrified. Mom and Dad were right. If the heroes had caused this much of a mess, just imagine what they could do to the city. They were a danger to all of society.

After that, I was taken to what people called a hospital. There were several problems with me. I was malnourished and had scrapes and scars around my body, with the biggest scar being on my back, spreading from my right shoulder to my left hip. I don't remember how I got it. I was stuck at the hospital while people tried to find the closest relative to me. After a few days, they were able to let me go with my grandparents. They lived in Japan with my mother. When she left to find a better place in America. They were devastated. They were unable to have the grandson they so desperately wanted by their sides. Now that my mother and father are gone, they have to take me to Japan and teach me everything. I Didn't Like that. I acted out, and eventually, I had enough of them.

I was going to live my life the way I wanted to.

I was going to listen to what My parents would want.

I was finally going to make them happy.

These stupid heroes took away anything and everything important to me.

I'm going to make them pay.

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