Studying With The Reaper?

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You arrive at Deaths room and see Death the Kid standing there, so serious...his golden eyes flick over to you and your cheeks become hot, Death chuckles and introduces the project, "(Y/N) you will be working with Kid for this project, we have a unique enemy on loose and he seems to be growing in power." You nod and give a slight bow, "let's go look in the library and see if we can find anything there." You walk out with Kid following close behind. Entering the library you sit and Kid walks to the shelves looking in the section of K for kishin, he picks a few books and drops them on the floor of weight, you drop to the floor to help him and he gets down at the exact same time. your head collides with his and Kid falls back rubbing his head looking at you, "sorry.." He says. You come closer to look at his head, looking on it the forehead is slightly bruised. "You have a bruise.." Kid smiles and gets up, "well let's get to studying." You smile and get up as well.

Death The Kid x Reader: I Love You More Than SymmetryWhere stories live. Discover now