Welcome To Osaka, Guys!

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(We see Bob in his limousine as fans cheered and waved their flags with joy as he stepped out of the limousine. He walks past some posters, confusing fans, tables and chairs and into the stadium. One of the posters we saw earlier shows the film's title: Built In The House Of Mouse. The scene then shows a building where the audience enter and snaked hands to enter and they watch cartoons and eat food and drink fizzy stuff. A waitress brings in the cups of water whilst a waiter brought in the biscuits for the guests. Suddenly, the two hear a noise and Bob walks in as the crowd clapped their hands.)

Bob: Welcome to my hotel, folks. We sure hope we get the act done in no time!

Built In The House Of MouseHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin