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This story is inspired by the above song, One Day by Tate McRae.

I hope you enjoy it <3

She walked through the crowded halls with her head down low, ignoring everyone yet aware of that one person.

The person she had a crush on. The person she liked.

She slipped through the crowds into her classroom as she stole one last glance at the boy she loved before sitting down on her seat.

"Chelsea! You're late again?" The girl's friend asked as she tidied up the desk.

"The hallways were too crowded."
Chelsea spoke. She had a cute voice. Too cute even.

"Is that so?" She cocked one eyebrow as she saw a slight blush on Chelsea's face.

"Y-yes." Chelsea stuttered.

"He's already here though." She whispered into Chelsea's ears, pointing with her eyes towards the boy Chelsea liked.

At this point, Chelsea's ears and cheeks were burning red. She gave a quick little slap on her friend's shoulder.

Soon the teacher came in.

His eyes skimmed through the crowd as he tried to find the cute girl who lighted up his world.

He had never talked to that girl, heck, he didn't even know how she looked like!

There was only this one slight exchange of words between them when he had asked if the girl was okay, in one of the P.E. classes to which the girl had replied "Yes!" Though stuttering and had ran away right after while he was standing there star-struck.

'She had a cute voice--' He was deep in thought, admiring the girl he loved

He soon snapped back to reality.

'oh- she's already in.' he stole a glance, looking straight at the board right after.

'If only she didn't run away from me .' he sighed.

'Am I intimidating?'
'Do I looks scary?'
'Maybe I sound scary-'

The teacher entered.

'But damn, she's cute.'

>>Time skip brought to you by my un-creativeness<<

The cafeteria got swarmed with students as lunch break started.

"Did you see that video I sent you?" Nikol asked.

"It was just a goddamn chicken dancing-" Vicen was cut off by a laugh.

"BAHAHAHAHAHAHA EXACTLY!!" Nikol laughed out loud.

"Bro, you need therapy." Iken said.

"Me? It's Alec who needs therapy." Nikol defended.

"He's staring off into space again." Vicen said as he shook his head.

"HEY!" Nikol waved his hand over Alec's face, "Earth to Alec??"

"oh-" Alec was startled, "What?"

"Are you getting enough sleep buddy?" Vicen asked as he patted Alec on his shoulder.

"Yeah...uh.... actually no."
"Why? What happened?" Iken asked.

"There's this...girl--"
"A GIRL?" Vicen and Nikol nearly shouted while Iken almost spit out his drink.

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