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The morning sun rises up, waking up a sleeping hollow headed stick figure. Second just wanted to go back to sleep but he was hungry, he doesn't know why he can't sleep when he's hungry. So he decided to check whatever food his friends prepared for breakfast. He went up the stairs, dragging himself along the way due to how he wants to sleep so badly. As he arrived at the kitchen, he saw his friends already waiting for him. He sat on one of the chairs and ate the breakfast, eggs and rice. Not really his choice, but he did come into the kitchen just to fill his stomach up anyways. After finishing, he placed the used dishes onto the sink. He then went downstairs and laid back on his bed. Before he can go back to sleep, Yellow asked for his aid.

Very much annoyed, he lifted himself out of his comfy bed and 'angrily' walked with Yellow to whatever he wants help with. Yellow presented a machine that he was building, he just needed a helping hand. While Second and Yellow were trying to finish the project, Red walked in, with curiosity in his mind.
"Heya guys! What'cha doing?" Red asked, while also trying out some slang Green taught him.

"We're just trying to finish my project, it shouldn't take long!" Yellow answered somewhat excitedly.
"Can we rush this?" Second asks,clearly impatient to go back to sleep.
"We can't, we might mess something up and the worst possible outcome is that, we'll have to build the machine back from the start" Yellow stated.

"Uhh, can I ask a little question?"

"Yeah sure!" Yellow replied.
"Do you know what mushrooms look like netherwarts? I'm curious!"
Red questioned, with a shine imminating from his eyes.
Seems like a suspicious question, but Second responded anyways.
"Are you sure that Toadstools look alot like netherwarts?"
"That's the closest match I can think of right now." Second said, clearly having the goal of finishing the machine plasterd all into his mind. Red, happy with the response, dashed back into the house. Second stared at the working Yellow before also continuing the project.

After a long time, Second was finally able to rest, alongside Yellow as they have finished the machine. Second grabbed some soda and sat on the couch to watch some stuff, the others sat down too. After watching some videos, Second realized that Red and Green weren't there. They were probably are up to something.

"Where's Green and Red? They're gonna miss out on some nice videos." Blue questioned, because normally, Green and Red were seen to be the first ones sitting on the couch.

"They're probably sleeping." Yellow blankly replied.

Second stood up to check on them, as they were known as pranksters. At times, they'd even turn off the electricity to the house, causing a temporary brownout and scaring the living daylights out of Second. After climbing up some stairs, Second opened Green's door to reveal.......nothing. Thinking that he and Red was upstairs, he sighed, knowing the amount of stairs he's going to climb. After scrambling up what appeared to him as 50 flights of stairs, he made it to Red's floor. Opening the door, Second saw the lights off and the bed empty. No one is at the balcony too...

"SECOND!! THERE'S A BOX OUTSIDE OF THE DOOR!" Blue alerted Second. Second let out another sigh while looking down from the top floor.

After a while, Second finally arrived at ground level and proceeded to open the front door, and there stood...the box Blue was talking about.
"Let me guess, they're going to jump out of the box and scare the living daylights out of me again." Second stated, for he has been encountering this prank multiple times.
Second held his breath while opening the huge box. Since it was nighttime, they couldn't see what was inside of the box, so Yellow quickly went to retrive a flashlight. Some time has passed, nothing popped out of the box and Yellow is probably still looking for the flashlight.

"If you two don't reveal yourselves, I will certainly let you clean my room again!" Second threatened, as most of the time, it'd work.

"How dirty is your room that even cleaning it was a punishment?" Blue chuckled. Yellow finally found the flashlight, he quickly went downstairs and climbed ontop of a chair facing the opening of the box.

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