the decision

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the waves of life must have beat upon her constantly. for she wore a expression that tells of her turmoil and pain ,tossed to and from by her mistakes she became paronoid by even her dreams.
fear and terror grips her fragile heart
Donna Marie Rowe was just 17 when she ran away with her high school sweetheart,heading into the sunset with nothing but hopes and dream an a baby growing inside of her; and as much as she hated Justin ways his promises sound genuine and that was enough to take her through this world it was a promise that could filled any womans heart they drove through the hassle and bussle of the busy street of riversdale a small town know for its amazing business in winery almost everyone in riversdale own a wine factory that was how they got bye Donna and Justin drove as far away from civilization as they could in the distance they saw a shimmering light as they drove close they realize that the light was coming from a little cottage on a hill. it looked old an broken down but there was a noise coming from the inside Donna held Justin hand And they approached the door let's turn back she said where is your sense of adventure asked Justin as he pulled her closer he makes a ghostly noise followed by a funny face Donna wanted to smile but she was just so terrified as they were about to knock on the door they saw that it was already opened come in before you freeze to death a voice from the inside shouted.

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