Telling friends

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Me: Marc and Y/N new about each other being pan and bi but they felt like they shouldn't keep it secret from their friends any longer so they gathered there friends in a place where they felt safe and here is how it went

Adrien: Hey Nino do you know why Marc Y/N told us to come here?

Nino: No dude I don't 

Marinette: I think I think I might now

Adrien: REALLY?!?! do you mind telling us Mari

Alya: Yah girl don't keep this a Secret 

Marinette: I think there coming out about some thing

Kim: well that doesn't tell us much

Julika: yah but lets hope what every they might be coming out about it's good

 Alix: yah I agree with Julika

Me: alas they were half right they were coming out but they still had no idea what it was the only one who new what they were coming out about was nathanael, he had a smile on his face and when Adrien saw his face he ask Nath what he was smiling about

Adrien: Hey nathanael what are you smiling about? 

he said in a wondering tone

Nath: oh I know what there coming out about

Ivan: Really?! what id it

Nath: I think it's better if they say it themselves. k?

he said in a caring tone

everyone: ok, yah, mhm, kk, oh oki,

alas the time came where they were going to spill what they where going to say 

Marc: '////'

Y/N: you all are probably wondering why we had gathered you guys here well it's about to come out right now we are........

he paused scared because he saw his parents in the crowed

Marc:..... hey it's ok they're not there......

Y/N: they aren't....??

Marc: No there not... would you like me to tell them so you can calm down

Y/N: pls....

everyone-nath: *confused

Marc: we wanted to say we are pan and bi.....

everyone - Nath: * shocked*... WOW, CONGRATS, THATS AWSOME,

yadayada they were being supportive then Kim asked\

Kim: which one of you is pan and which one of you bi

Marc: I'm bi Y/N is pan

Alix: nice

Marc X male readerWhere stories live. Discover now