•genmui headcannons•

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- [ ] Whenever sanemi annoyed Muichiro he would kiss genya infront of him but that usually ended in most of the hashira having to hold sanemi back
- [ ] Muichiro would get really annoyed with his hair and then genya would brush it for him which caused muichiro to become a blushing mess
- [ ] They'd wait for the other to come home from missions just so they could cuddle
- [ ] Genya confessed first but muichiro kissed him first
- [ ] Muichiro gets really flustered when Genya kisses him but doesn't get flustered when he kisses genya
- [ ] They love sneaking off to run through fields holding hands then when they get tired they lie down on the field and hug laugh and talk.
- [ ] They also love running and dancing in the rain together
- [ ] Genya loves kissing muichiros forehead
- [ ] Muichiro calls genya gen and genya calls him mui and angel
- [ ] They love watching shrek
- [ ] They sometimes go on double dates with kanao and tanjiro or nezuko and zenitsu
- [ ] Genya fell in love first but muichiro fell harder
- [ ] They'd always go out together to make flower crowns then put them on eachother then they'd hug and kiss eachother
- [] They'd always put eachothers clothes on and do fashion shows and laugh at how dumb they look
- [] if one of them gets sick the other never leaves his side
- [] When they got older and and adopted kids they'd go snow boarding on holidays
- [] they always comfort the other when there stress or anxiety becomes to much to handle
- [] they both go by he/they

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