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Each day went by the same way, almost every one was an almost perfect replica of each other...

The sun fell, and rose, and fell, and rose... the scars only seemed to open up and increase in number.

Y/N found it hard for her to get out of bed no matter what day it was; Saturday or Sunday. Covering her scars under worn out fabric of her woven sweaters just wasn't enough. Shattered glass and dirty clothes piled up in her room unswept.

The monitor on the small desk of her rented apartment loft gave off an ever so familiar faint blue glow, the lights giving off a typical hum buzz. The rain splattered down and the darkest clouds curtained the moonlight. "Another gloomy day is about to hit me in the face.." she sighed, looking at the digital clock on the table which read, "Monday, 2:37 A.M.".

Y/N flung the plaster boxes off her bed, heading to her balcony. Her head hung low while she sat near the edge, looking down at the passing cars and the flickering, dim streetlights. Closing her eyes and falling back onto the cold floors, drifting off into her ever so imaginable dreamscape escapism.

Inadvertent Temptress - Noli X Female!Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن