chapter 1

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as y/n got ready with her blue orbs she started crying because she remembers her mother dying from a car crash 13 years ago. She wipes her tears from her blue orbs and gets ready for school as her her light blue plaid dress rips she changes into sweatpants with a gray hoodie as she puts her hair into a messy bun. she goes downstairs and y/n sees a tall man dressed in all black with a suit, DAD WHO IS THIS RANDOM MAN y/n yells as y/n calms down her dad introduces him to her y/n this is your soon to be husband he's from a very rich family. DAD IM 15 y/n shouts as y/n dad calms her down and tells her to go outside y/n sees a limo outside waiting for her she gasp in shock and jumps in. while they're in school all the girls drool over him and his name is jacob, as jacob walks with y/n every girl gets jealous and start bullying y:n. while at lunch they spill their lunch over y/n as jacob comes to save her she runs away with diamonds running down her cheeks jacob try's to chase her but fails. after school the girls come to jump y/n jacob is waiting when the girls see him they run away, y/n pushes him away and gets in the limo. y/n arrives at jacobs house she asked what are we doing here , jacob says "you're going to live at my mansion" as y/n try's to get out jacob stops her and holds her tight. as y/n blushes really hard like a tomato he kisses her y/n pushes him back and says "i'm not ready for this" and walks away, the next day jacobs brother arrives his name is alexander, alexander asks jacob "who is this girl" as jacob explains alexander starts flirting with y/n to make jacob mad jacob gets angry and pushes alexander through 30 floors and 60 walls alex and jacob fight but they stop when y/n says STOP jacob apologizes and alex walks away for school when they arrive at school every girl drools over the hot brothers when y/n walks between them. y/n skirt rips and alex sees so he covers her as y/n goes to the bathroom she hears girls talking about her..... stay tuned

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2022 ⏰

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