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My body sat on a wood chair. My legs laid on top of each other while my foot slight tapped to the beat of the song.

I've never seen a pretty girl look that tough, baby you go the look

Color you pitch in black
Color me taken aback

Crucial I think I want cha
You've got the look

You've got the hook
Your sure enough to be cookin in my book

Your face is jammin
Your body's hecka slammin
If you love is good let's get to rammin
You got the look
You got the look

And with that the song ended. "Take 5" the leader commanded. Levi made his way back to me, I fidgeted with my finger nails, chipping off my red nail polish.

"Did you enjoy?" He sits his figure besides me on another chair. I had been watching two people the entire time, I barley got to see Levi preform. I felt a bit bad, "Oh, yes it sounded amazing" his face brightened.

There was a dancer, her moves weren't remotely off beat. And the leader, which name wasn't to my knowledge yet made me float in a pit of ecstasy. His voice was seductive and mesmerizing and the way he madelove to the mic made me tense a bit.

"What's everyone's name?" Levi wiped the sweat that dripped from his forehead.

"Oh, so the one in black is Shelia, the one who was dancing is Cat, The one who came up to me was Miko, white guy on keyboard is Dr. fink, the amazing back up is Boni, white guy with mustache is Eric, Long hair and goatee is Atlanta, and our guy in the middle is Prince" His sentence was like he was breathing, I could barley keep up with how fast he talked but I got the names I needed.

"Damn" I let out.

Everyone chatted while Prince leaned on a wall, sipping his water. His eyes kept meeting mine and every time they did I would practically break.

Although this was the first time I ever seen him, himself as a whole was very attractive.

"Hello" we broke our eye connection. Cat came to sit where Levi was sitting before he went to the rest room. "Hello" she smiled lightly, she looked to be very kind.

"So your Venus huh?" She picked up my hand, she caressed my chipped nails, guessing that's how she made someone feel comfortable, especially a female. With a light breath "Uh yeah I am, your dancing is wonderful" she giggled a bit.

Her caressing my hand brought me back memories to that night. Chills filled my body as I snatched back my hand, Cats eyes found my face. I guess she thought I was a bit rude "sorry, it's just I'm a bit nervous" she seemed to not worry about it when she quickly gave me an assured look.

"Oh don't worry girl, it's okay" we both gave an awkward laugh.

After rehearsals the gang packed their things and made their way out the door.

Cat, Prince and Levi were left behind. "Why Venus?" I questioned Levi. He laid his instrument into its case "I don't know your name but it fits you" I've gotten nicknames before but most from old family or the ones I got called I bed. This one made me jive a bit.

"I guess nows the time I tell you my name" I grabbed his hand "I'm Gia but I'll go by Venus for short" Gia was a shortened version of my name Giana but hey it's a cute nick name.

"Hello Gia" he lightly shook my hand as we laugh, Prince finished his packing, fixing his appearance in the mirror he examined me and Levi. His jaw tightened a bit, he finished touching up his hair.

"Hey P, you wanna go over those lyrics you wanted me to look at?" Cat held her bag on one shoulder and a lollipop in her hand. "Nah, maybe another time" let down by his response she shoved the lollipop back into her mouth, sighing she left his site.

"We'll we should get going, you got anywhere to go?" Levi grabbed his bags.

"No, I ummm..." I tried to think of anything, something quick "me and this dude had this thing, he kicked me out" Biting my lips I hoped he believed it, at least for now. I'll be sure to tell him the truth sooner or later, but for now I wanted it to feel like a fresh start.

"And Levi, uh" he resurfaced back to his original spot "Yeah?" His cocked his head to the side.

"Can we keep what you saw that night just between us.... I'd be embarrassed if anyone knew I was almost kidnapped or even killed" He chuckled a bit.

"Are you kidding me, I'd never say a damn thing" He threw his hand over my shoulder, a small smile raised to my face. "Thanks" we made our way out the exist and up the

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