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Jedediah let out a deep sigh as he stretched his limbs a bit after being frozen for so long during business hours. Tonight was another night of being given another chance to live with the magic of the omnipotent Egyptian tablet. 

"Jed!" Roy, Jedediah's close cowboy friend, calls out to him. He turns to where the sound of his voice is coming from. And there he was met with Octavius already there, along with Roy beside him. Roy smirks, "Yer ace-high kemosabe's here. Said he wants to talk to ya."

Jedediah smiles as he waves to them. Octavius happily waves back. Roy pats Octavius' shoulder as he tells him, "Listen 'ere, I don't care if ya of the first water. Lay your dirty hands on our Jed, and things 'boutta get ugly."

"Roy!" Jedediah yells. "C'mon man, Octy ain't a bad hoss. Let 'im go." Roy pushes Octavius forward before tipping his hat and leaving them both alone. Jedediah awkwardly chuckles. "Sorry 'bout him Oct. Roy's just a tad bit protective, y'know."

Octavius gets to his bearings. He smiles a little. "It's alright." 

"What'chu doing here anyway?" 

"Well," Octavius' cheeks lit up a little as he pulled something out that he's been hiding behind his back this whole time. It was a little bouquet of flowers with all of Jedediah's favourites. "I wanted to give you a gift!" A joyous smile was plastered on the Roman's voice. Jedediah blushed a bit and began to smile. He chuckled a little, "Gee, thanks Octy!" He looked down at the bouquet and back to Octavius. There was something wrong about this, but he couldn't understand what it was and why. Surely, it's not because of the bouquet, right? Octavius would never harm Jedediah. They're best buddies! 

But why does it feel like there's something holding Jedediah back? 

He couldn't think about these things right now. Octavius is here and it would be awkward to keep him waiting. Jedediah cleared his throat and said, "Hey, since you're here. Wanna take another joyride? Gigantor managed to fix the deck in the car. We can play music again!"

"That is good to hear!" Octavius replies. "I actually have a tape laying around back in my diorama. I've always wanted to listen to the music with you, but I never managed to mention it since it seemed useless considering the cassette deck was broken from our..." A small pause. "Previous 'accident '. "

"Well, you go get your tape and I'll just put this bouquet in my cabin, 'kay?"

Octavius nodded. And with that, the two scampered off. Jedediah heaved a deep sigh when he was further away from Octavius. He looked down at the bouquet again, trying his best to avoid people and hide the bouquet in his arms somehow. The more looked at the cluster of his favourite flowers, he ended up getting lost in his thoughts. "Oooh~" Until that...

"Who's the lucky kitty?" Jim teases. Another fellow cowboy Jedediah is good friends with. Accompanying him were a lot of other cowboys that were from Jedediah's past life. It was basically his whole squad of boys. Jedediah tried to hide the bouquet even more, even though it was useless at this point. He chuckles awkwardly, "I'm not givin' this to any lady."

"Then whatchu gonna do wit' it?" Roy asks. Jedediah is trying so hard to lie. He knows that when they find out that it's from Octavius, they'll be shocked and possibly mad. And then it'll get passed around until the whole Wild West knows about it. Jedediah would not like for that to happen at all.

"Uh, decoration for my cabin, I guess?" He awkwardly answered. 
"Who'd it come from?" Another cowboy named Richard pipes in. 

"No one." Jedediah answers.

"So... You got flowers for yourself cos you suddenly wanted to decorate your cabin?" Billy asks. 

Jedediah grumbles as his boys would not stop following him and asking questions. He turns to them with a stern glare. "Why are y'all questioning me?! Don't any of ya'll have anythin' better to do??" He then storms off. 

I Love You, So... II Night At The Museum [Jedtavius ONESHOT]Where stories live. Discover now