Sorbet & Popcorn's Visit

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<1:27 AM>

The two were walking towards to the Chess Choco Twins new home, after minutes, they met Earl Grey on the way.

"Pleased to meet you two..why are you here so late..?" said Earl Grey with a confused face.

"Oh, were going to your house! We wanted to visit them and have a slumber party!"

"OoOoooooO! OOOoooOo.."

Earl Grey smiled and pointed the direction to his house.

<1:42 AM>

Pawn White saw them both and woke Pawn Black to greet them at the door. Sorbet rang the doorbell and the Chess Choco Twins opened and let them inside with a grin.

" a huuuuuugggeeeee housee!!" said Popcorn with a suprised gasp.

"I know! Its soo cool!"
"I know, its nice.."

Pawn White ran upstairs in the attic and brought them sleeping bags, the two cookies followed the twins upstairs in their room. Popcorn gasped of how big the room looked like.


"It sure is!"
"It sure is."


"Well what are we waiting for?! Lets have a slumber PARTY!"

The four cookies had fun inside the twins' room, they were playing chess, jumping on beds, playing games, running around until they were tired.

<2:24 AM>

"That was fun! But, im kinda a bit *yawn* tired...."


"You can sleep in the tank if you want to, Sorbet!"
"You can sleep in the tank, Sorbet."

Popcorn had to take a break so she lie down on her sleeping bag, while the twins helped Sorbet to get up the tank.

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