Describing your Love❤️

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''AVM, what can you do to describe your love for me?''
She asked her cute answer in a cute tone, while he is making her to drink juice.
''Ishqi just stay quiet and rest.''
''But I am bore to sit here!!''
''You need rest. Keep quiet and now drink this juice.''
She gets angry, and tilted her face not to drink the juice.
''Ishqi stop your drama and drink it!!''
She led some fake crying on his caring husband gesture.
''I will not drink this!! You have no answer of my question!! This means you dont love me!!''
With her fake crying, she kept hand on her 5 months baby bump.
''Baby.. See your father. He doesn't love your mom anymore... But dont worry, I will raise you by my own. Your father is so mean!!..''
''Oh godd this girl's mood swings!..'' He slowly murmured being shocking by her actions.
''Ishqi.. Stop this!!''
''You dont love me anymore na!!''
''You are doubting my love for you?''
''If you love me then you have answer my question that time instead of making me drink this sour juice!!''
''Ok ok Ishqi... So tell me what should I do to prove my love?''
Being surrounded by her cute mood swings, he finally decided to surrender.
She kept her hand in chin showing a thinking expression for some quick seconds.
''Ummm... Yeah!! Write a paragraph describing your love for me.''
''But I cant do this!!''
She again shed some fake tears.
''So.. That means you dont love me!!''
''Have I said that?''
''You donnot have anything to write describing your love for me, that means you dont love me anymore!!''
He hold her waist and make her to surround his nape by her hands, and wipe some tears that escape from her eyes. She is angry and hence looking at another side not to face him. He hold her chin and made her to look directly into his eyes.
''I cannot write just a small paragraph, or page for you. Because my love for you is something that cant be describe in just few words. Love is not describe, it is felt. But if I write, then it will take my whole life to describe my love for you. Even if I collect all the water of the seven oceans as ink, or take all the papers of this world, to write, it is less. Very less to describe my love for you. I love you my Ishqi❤

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