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"So your telling me you got no family?" Levi swirled his fork into his pasta. This had been the first real meal I've had since I was 17, after I got kicked out. I took a sip of my coke "yep, only a cousin somewhere in Texas and a brother" Growing up I only had a few family members I knew. My mother Yvette couldn't stand any of her family so she took it upon herself to keep me and my siblings away.

The food was delicious, each bit the saucy strings melted into my taste buds. Cooking was the only skill I adapted from my mother while in her custody, While staying I decided to stir up a meal. Levi seemed to enjoy it.

"Yo, this food is bomb" his compliment hit my heart. I was happy to know I had a place to sleep and food to eat but I wasn't sure how long I could keep up this fiesta. Lying wasn't my favorite thing to do, "Do you like the band?" I picked at my plate.

"Yeah, y'all are dope" Music was like the universal language. You could find music anywhere and everywhere, it wasn't hard to make and sure wasn't hard to listen too. Levi's band mates seemed cool and if I got to know them more I think we could build a potential friendship, Again they would be the the only friends I got.

"You know I think Prince digs you" my heart sinks. The thought of Prince made me flush red but I soon brushed it off when a burp escapes Levi's mouth. Making me chuckle "Honestly, I think Cat's into him" His eyes searched his glass.

"Trust and believe, they've got some history" His sentence made me raise an eyebrow. Invested I was "History? Like they've dated before?" It wasn't my business but it was only us and he brought it up, so it doesn't make it bad.

"More like you know" he winked. Prince seemed like the type to anyway, although I knew nothing about him his personality seemed very seductive. "Mmm" I gripped
the glass cup. "I gotta visit my grandmother tomorrow so if you can drop off some papers for me I would appreciate it, I'll just write down the address" nodding my head I take another swig of my drink.

It was the least I could do.
I wandered through the halls. Levi sent me to a company building with some papers. People in suits sat in the waiting rooms twiddling their thumbs. An anxious feeling arose my body, rich people give me a sorta ick. Don't get me wrong I'd love to be rich but the ones who work in the office spaces make me feel weird.

Taking a quick turn to the left I come across a lady in a pink Jackie Kennedy kinda suit. Her legs crossed and her heels tapped the ground, creating a thudding noise. Filling the rooms atmosphere.

She held a telephone up by her ear, twisting the string around the tip of her finger. Biting her lip I could she wasn't on the phone with a costumer, not wanting to interrupt I wait till her attention appears to me. My mind wondered as to what Levi could hold in this folder but it wasn't my business.

The yellow envelope was sealed tight and there wasn't any way for my to see what laid inside.

"Oh one second" her blonde hair shines in the offices lighting. She wore a coat of dark pink nail polish and a pair of short gold hoops, a thin sheet of lipstick and some light

"Hello how may I help you?"

Gulping calmly, "Hi I'm here to drop off some papers for Levi" her face scrunched reaching for the envelope in my hand, she slid a draw out from the stack behind her. Her hand searched for a folder. "Last name?" I couldn't remember Levi telling me his last name.

"It's just Levi.... I don't know his last name" Her eyes were round and her eye lashes were long, the longer she looked at me in shame the more I could find a new feature on her face. "He sent a friend to drop off some important papers.... That's new" her uptown accent threw me off. Was she trying to make me feel bad? I was very aware I only knew Levi for a week and his friends for three days but that doesn't make me a villain.

Finally able to find his documents she allowed a sigh to reach the base of my ear.

"You may go now" she shewed me away, scoffing I slowly turn and walked back down the hall.

The weather was too hot, sweat formed at the back of my neck. I wore a white shirt with black shorts and my coiled curls sat in a low back pony, and with all this exposure to air I was still hot. Levi took his car to his grandmas house so I was left taking the bus to my locations.

The bus stop wasn't too far from the office building. Only a few walks down, the sun light hit my face, squinting to get a better view "Venus right?" A familiar voice stopped me in my tracks. It sounded deep and calming, to my surprise it was Prince, the lead with Levi's band.

"What are you doing here?" My hands parked on my waist.

"I was wandering the town and saw you walk out the building" Mmh. Out of all the people I could've seen he was the one who stood before my presents. His eyes sparkled in the sun light, his crystals were a mix of brown and green speckles and his lips gracefully sat perfect on his face.

It was a habit of mine to examine peoples features. I'd been doing so since I was a child and it became normal throughout life time.

Realizing all we'd been doing in the seconds of quietness was staring at each other, I try to find away to break the silence. "We'll I should get going, the bus will be late" his lips parted, "your taking that depressing bus, let me take you home" Know one knew I had been staying with Levi and I'm sure if anyone found out it would look weird.

Especially if the one guy I found amazingly attractive did. A swift of wind blew over the warm spring air "I don't know, I think it's better if I just took the bus home. Don't wanna waste anyones time. Plus you probably have other things to do" his head shook.

"Nope I'm free today and when I saw you happened to be around the area I was I wanted to talk to you" his glance moved up and down my body. His thumb wiped the corner of his lips. My palms were clammy, my jaw tensed and heart beat raced.

I tried to focus on anything but his bewitching ego.

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