Chapter 1

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Hi! So quick answer if you are a different race, please just know that your 'family' and you moved to China when you were a child. Please no offense!

The wall of China stood in the peaceful night, a guard walked back and forth at one of the towers, his spear in hand hitting against the stone as he walked. Suddenly his helmet was knocked off his head and a falcon flew over him and landed on the flag flapping the wind. The guard stared in confusion as the flacon screeched. A thud coming from the wall catches his attention and a grappling hook, hooked onto the wall.

The guard quickly looked down but more of the hooks came from the darkness.

"We're un attack! Light the signal!" The guard yelled, to the others and ran towards the tower. Men opened the door with their swords and sneers on their faces. The guard gasped and reached for the ladder leaning against the wall. He quickly climbed it as the man slashed his sword where he once was, the ladder beneath him fell to the ground.

The guard quickly grabbed a torch as a dark shadow climbed up to where he was, his yellow eyes shining in the darkness. The guard threw the torch into the fire pit of oil and the other guards quickly lit their own.

"Light the fire now!"

"Light the signal!"

"Now all of China knows you're here." The guard sneered at the figure, the fire blazing between them. The figure grabbed the flag, breaking it off the pole and burning it in the fire.



The door of the large throne room burst open as the general and two soldiers marched into the room, bowing down at the Emperor's throne.

"Your Majesty, the Huns have crossed our northern border." The general informed. The advisor quickly shook his head and glanced at the Emperor.

"Impossible. No one can get through the Great Wall."

"Shan-Yu is leading them." The general added, causing the Emperor to stiffen. "We'll set up defenses around your palace immediately."

"No. Send your troops to protect my people." The Emperor stood. "Sadayuki."

"Yes, Your Highness?"

"Deliver conscription notices throughout all the provinces. Call up reserves and as many recruits as possible." The Emperor continued as he took graceful steps down the stairs leading to his throne.

"Forgive me, Your Majesty, but I believe my troops can stop him." The general said, putting his head up in determination.

"I won't take any chances, General." The Emperor said stopping in front of him. "A single grain of rice can tip the scale. One man may be the difference between victory and defeat."


The sun was slowly rising over the small house, as a bowl of rice was set in the window and a girl brought the chopsticks to her mouth.

"Quiet and demure. Graceful. Polite. Delicate. Refined. Poised. Punctual." The girl finished writing the words in Chinese on her (s/c) arm when the rooster on her top of the house crowed for the morning sun. She quickly scrambled out of her bed in her pajamas. Blowing on her arm for the ink to dry faster. "Little brother! Little brother... Oh. There you are."

The small dog snoring in the kitchen quickly shot awake and wagged his tail.

"Who's the smartest doggy in the world?" The girl cooed at the dog and brushed the (h/c) hair out of her face. "Come on, smart boy. Can you help me with my chores today?"

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