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"C'mon mate, you're drunk." My best friend, bandmate, banana, drummer, Ashton. He tugged my by my elbow towards his door.

"No, No. I don't want to leave yet, Ashy." I giggled. I want to spend more time at this bar, i mean why not, Theres booze, Tv, Radio, Food, Bathroom, There is really no reason to leave, honestly. He continued to tug, so I finally gave in. "Fine, fine. Im coming, calm your titties!" I laughed at my own remark. "Im not even that drunk." Ashton waved it off and pulled me until we were out the door and infront of his Red, 2015 Nissan GTR.

"Get in and buckle up." Damn, Ashton seemed to have something shoved up his ass.

"Can I drive at least?" I nudged Ashtons hand off my elbow.

"Haha, so funny. Get in, come on, i dont want to spend my whole night here. I want to go home and go to bed, Michaela is waiting at home." I nodded and climbed in the car, stumbling a little bit. "Careful, Michael." Ashton laughed. I buckled up and closed the door, taking a big drink of Ashtons coffee.

"Ugh, ew. What is that?" I pushed the drink back into the cup houlster. Ashton turned the radio on, most likely trying to drown out my complaints.

"Its just coffee, black coffee. God damn, you're annoying when you're drunk." Yeah, he's pissed.

"Pull over, im walking." Im done, hes not gonna tell me im annoying, hes the annoying. I could practically hear the, 'Its a chocolate milk party,' and the 'YOU SHALL NOT PASS.' Hes the annoying one if anything. Damn.

"You're not walking down a highway and 2 am, Drunk, 20 miles away, Michael. Ill drive you home."

"PULL OVER, ASHTONN." I kinda slurred the s in his name, but i dont think he noticed. Ashton slowly pulled over.

"Michael, Dont." I pushed the door open and slammed it closed. "Fine." Ashton pulled away, sputting dust as he revved the car. I began walking in the dark down the barely lit highway. I kicked a rock out of my way.

"Okay, Sydney.." I looked around, thinking of which way it was. I decided that i would walk the same way as the moon because the moon is pretty, and also when i look outside my apartment window i can see it.

A Blue dodge pick up truck pulled next to me to reveal a beautiful girl. "Are you going somewhere i can take you?" She unlocked the car door. She had really nice, long brown hair and beautiful brown eyes.

"Uh, Sydney?" I ran a hand through my blue dyed hair. "I wouldn't want to bother you, i can walk."

"Thats like 30 minuets away driving, that can be like two hours walking. Get in the car." She smiled. I pulled the door open, climbing up to the seat. "Im Carter." I pulled the door closed, and she locked it.

"Im Michael." I smiled back. "Why do you lock the doors?"

"Were going through Bankstown, its not the best town." She pulled forwards, beginning the journey. "Have you ever seen the movie house of wax?" I shook my head no. "Oh, well its about this group of friends that are going to some town, but its really late at night so they decide to pull over to rest for the night. They were going to wake early, but ended up sleeping in. When they were ready to leave, their car was broken."

"Why the hell is it called house of wax?" This story seems weird.

"Because the whole town is wax. They cover people in wax and use them as the towns people. This town reminds me of them because they're the only two in town."

"That's weird, and kinda scary."

"You're drunk."

"How'd you kn-"

"I can smell it off you."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2015 ⏰

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