Chapter 1 - The Savior

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Author's note: Well, I'm back and it's gonna be on hell of a ride, I suppose. And I will remind you all that Hook is dead, Robin is alive. So there will be more of Regina and Robin, more of their love story, cause I like them very much. And maybe from Emma and Jonathan, just a little bit, cause she's deserve a change at happiness as well, but not with Hook. I'm sorry for everyone who's loves Emma/Hook, but it's my story. And again I'm sorry, but I hope you all still like it.

Parings are: Caitlynn/Gold, Regina/Robin, Emma/Jonathan, Snow/David, Amelia/Jackson and others as it is on the show.

I will see what happens from now on!!!

Without further ado, on with the story.


Few months had passed, Emma was mourning Hook, Caitlynn's baby was born, it's a boy, they named him Quinten. And Amelia and Jackson were living in Caitlynn's and Gold's home for now, they can help with Aubrey and Quinten. Regina and Robin were happy, they moved in with each other, with the deal that Robin went sometimes to the woods with Roland. And about Zelena and her daughter, she named her Robin, the second, cause that's the only name she think off. They call her Ro, though as in, they wouldn't get confused who they called who. And they all got to see Ro, which it's a win... win situation.

But the situation about Hyde, they didn't know a plan yet, on how to put him away, in prison. Cause also he was quiet in the past few months. They think he's planning something, which he did. And they got help from Jonathan, he wanted to help them with this situation. Helping them with a plan on how to capture Hyde and he wanted to get to know Emma more, but she was distant towards him, not wanting someone else to die on her hands! Speaking about Emma, she has distant herself from almost everyone, but her twin. Cause she has a problem that Caitlynn only know about, she promised not to tell anyone, it's Emma story to tell her family that she has a trembling hand, from being the saviour and all that. Caitlynn helped her a hand with saviour stuff.

Just now something happened, something rumbling. The town people was getting together as Caitlynn shouted, angry. "What the hell?"

The rumbling continued, then they heard some whirring as then they saw an old fashion blimp flaying through the sky. "What in the hell is that?" David exclaimed, also angry.

Just then, Jekyll walked out the shadows. "It's a dirigible... from The Land of Untold Stories."

"What's it doing in our town?" Regina scoffed.

"I believe you mean my town." Jekyll replied to her.

"This is not your town." Snow scoffed.

"Oh, tell that to the Dark One." Jekyll told them all, smirking. "He gave it to me. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must prepare for my friends' arrival."

"Regina?" Emma asked to her.

"Emma." Regina whispered back. "My evil half is gone. I don't know how strong I am."

"Evil did not make you strong." Caitlynn comment to her. "Let's do this."

"Hey! Muttonchops!" The twins shouted as then they all blasted their magic at him, at first it seemed that it took effect, but then he laughed.

Then, they spotted as Hyde told them. "A word of advice... do be careful. Nothing more dangerous than an untold story... and the people who don't want them told."

Then, there was another sound, it crashed in the woods.


A short time, they were in the woods, where it had crashed, but there was nobody there. "Hello?" Emma called.

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