Chapter 1

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"But mán! I don't t wanna go to camp!" My little brother complained. He's only ten.
"Emil stop complaining, she won't change her mind. Besides camp isn't that bad." I said, trying to get him to stop whining.
"That's right Em, now listen to your big brother and go with him. It'll be fun." Mom said with a smile as we drove up to the camp.
I attended the camp every year since I was ten. Most of the reason why is because I made friends here over the years that I didn't have at me school. We would exchange phone numbers, gamertags and even names. But there was one I always looked forward to seeing. I met him my first year of camp. He's taller than me, with blue eyes and blonde, wildly spiky hair that I'm sure he doesn't brush often, and he always wore a smiled.
Every year when we'd meet we'd catch up on what's been going on in our lives.
"Come on boys! You don't want to be late for orientation!" My mom said cheerfully. I hopped out of the car and got my bag out of the trunk. I looked around, looking for that one face I grew to know when my phone rang.
I picked it up and checked the caller ID. Mathias Kølher.
"Hei." I said with a little bit of a smile.
"Hej, are you here yet? I've been looking for you!" He said laughing.
"Ja I just got here, meet me at the cabins, we can talk then. We're still in cabin twelve like every year right?"
"Ja! Same as always! Meet you there." He said and hung up. I smiled at my phone and chuckled before picking my bag up and heading off toward the cabin I shared with Mathias, his brother and his brother's boyfriend. We also had one of my school friend and Mathias' school friends in there with us. And it seemed to be that way every year.
As I got to the cabin I saw Mathias' standing on the porch with his brother Berwald and Tino. They seemed to be pretty happy.
I walked up and smiled a little.
"Hei strangers." I said and placed my bag on the ground. Mathias turned in my direction and smiled, jumping off the porch and running toward me, hugging me and picking me up. "Alright you can put me down now." I said and smiled.
"Not until I at least get hugged back." He said. I rolled my eyes and hugged him tightly. "Alright so now that most of us are here let's all go in, oh um...Luk, I hope you don't mind but we added a new boy into our cabins so there isn't enough beds. You don't mind sharing do you?" He said smiling.
"Mathias zhat's just like you. Already trying to make a move on Lukas are ve?" A voice said from behind me. I turned to see the silver-haired Prussian I'd been bunking with for three years and his American friend.
"Mat your such a flirt." The blonde said.
"I don't know what your talking about, I was just being nice ya know." Mathias said and turned away, still hugging me.
"You could let me go, I'm not the most valuble thing here you know." I said, poking the taller Danish man's forehead.
"Sorry Luk." He said and let me go, his face turning a little pink. I smiled.
"So where's Artie?" I asked mockingly.
"Damn you lazy Americans! I cant believe you made me, your boyfriend, carry my stuff all by myself. This is unbelievable. What went wrong when you were little?"
"Well speak of the devil! Here he is! How are ya doin' darlin'." Alfred said and walked over to him, wrapping his arm around his shoulders.
"I don't understand how you can have such a long distance relationship? It seems so hard." I said.
"I dunno Luk, it might be easy for some people." Mathias said smiling.
"Well we should all go in and get settled for now. Dinner isn't for another three hours so we might as well mess around for a bit." Tino said smiling. The rest of nodded in agreement and we all flooded into the small cabin.

Mathias smiled at me as we laid on the bed that we had to share. It was almost three in the morning and everyone else had gone to sleep after Vald showed up.
"So how's life been since last summer?" He whispered. "Did you miss me?" He asked and smirked.
"Life's been good, and yes I did miss you." I said and laughed quietly. He smiled brightly and hugged me.
We laid in silence for awhile before Maithas spoke again.
"I missed you a lot you know." He said and moved a hand to brush some hair from my face.
"How much?"
"Too much. Your my best friend to me." He said. My heart sank a ittle.
I've only known him for two years but I was already in love with him. He didn't know it of course but I wanted him to. I wanted him to see me as more than just a best friend but I'm sure he's straight, just look at all the girls he flirts with he has to be straight there's no way around it.
He kissed my forehead and smiled before chuckling. "No homo." He said. I laughed a little and blushed.

It was almost four am and I still couldn't sleep. I was too happy to sleep even though I knew I needed it. Mathias had already rolled over and was softly snoring. He was so peaceful when he slept and his face was always cute.
He mumbled in is sleep and rolled over throwing an arm around my chest. I sighed and left it there, knowing I'd be useless to move his arm because he'd just do it again. I rolled over so I was facing away from him and pulled a blanket over myself and him, falling asleep slowly.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2015 ⏰

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