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Silence was a good friend of mine. When I was little girl that skill was my go too for anything I felt awkward or upset about, this was a different kinda silence. Although the outside was a thick brace of quiet my heart beat pumped to my ears.

Electricity ran through my veins, I nibbled on my inner cheek.

"You and Levi.... Together?" His words surprised me. Levi was attractive but I couldn't see him that way, he reminded me of my brother Andy. "Oh, no we're just friends" since Prince offered me a ride I couldn't resist, he insisted.

His fingers gripped the steering wheel, his palms flat on the broad leather and his foot steady on the breaks.

"Mmh" he nodded his head in understanding. I wasn't very good at making conversation so I awaited till anything was brought up. "You and Cat?" Prince shifted a bit in his seat, his seatbelt preventing him from moving
around too much.

Clearing his throat, "No uh she's like a sister" Levi told me other wise, but I could keep that to myself.

Since I didn't want anyone to know me and Levi were practically roommates I made him drop me off at the Deli closest to Levi's
home. Working the streets the farthest I stayed at a strangers house was 3 days max. With Levi I've been in his guest room for a week now and it was Wednesday.

"Why here" we came to stop, the Deli was small and built from concrete and bricks. A sign read Sub sandwiches and Tuna wraps, "I gotta pick up some food for my..... sister than she'll meet me here" the awkward pause threw him off "okay" I unbuckled.

"I'll see you whenever I see you" his low and seductive eyes made me tremble. I swear it was like this man could hypnotize you any

His car sped down the block, I was stuck having to walk 7 houses to Levi's front door. Hell was hot but this was hotter, what a

"So your living with the dude?" A pay phone was just a few walks besides the Deli, I figured I could make a call before my journey back to Levi's place.

"Yeah, for now. I wish you were here and we lived together" Since I was a child my cousins phone number always stood in my brain, she was the only person that made me feel loved and assured. We were ripped away from each other when my Aunt Lupita & my mother Yvette had a fall out.

"I know right, it's like it's been years since we've seen each other. I miss you" Her sentence made me sentimental, she was like my only family.

"Well, I should get back to Levi's house before he reports someone missing but I'll try to call you when I get a chance" Catching my cousin Tina up on life and expressing my longing for her, the line went out.

The sun was going down and the weather became cooler. Levi was probably home by now so I started my walk.

A black SUV slapped it path onto the cement, swerving into the open garage door. "Who's that?" I whispered to myself, Levi rarely had company over. That being done by my unplanned stay over the past week, but as far as I'm concerned that car doesn't look any what familiar to me.

I tried to measure my movement, I wanted to make a dart to the house but wasn't sure if any one could see me.

My figure stood on the other side of the block, a street creating oceans of black and yellow placements between me and the house. A woman with a green sweater and jeans exited the car, her hair was straight and blonde with brown highlights. I hid behind some strangers bush, her face seemed familiar but I guessed I was to far away from where she was to verify.

Levi exited the house, he smiled widely. Was that his girlfriend? He hadn't mentioned anything about her to me if so.

"What are you doing?" A kid with Superman action figure stood besides me. I wasted all my time staring at my temporary home I forgot I was standing in someone's front yard. "Oh um I was just searching for something" I pretend to look for that something while keeping my eyes still printed on the house.

"Are you a friend of my moms?" The kids voice was soft and small. He looked to be about 7 or 8, figured he was playing since the weather was nice out.

"Uh no" his eyebrows scrunched "okay" he shrugged. Making his way back to wherever he was before, while in conversation with the child I lost my contact with the lady and Levi, that they already made it into the house.

Sighing I creep over to the front of the house, I didn't want to disturb whatever they were doing so I knocked lightly, twice to be sure they heard me. I just wanted to shower since I've been sweating all day and get some food, I hadn't ate all day.

"Coming" I heard the lady's voice from inside. I pushed myself up to my tippy toes and back on my feet, continuing the pattern.

The doors knob turned, "oh hello" I knew I seen her before, it was Vanessa. Her face lighted up I could tell she had a quick
memory of us. She used to work with me when I started, I wondered what she was doing now.

"Good you're home" Levi smiled, opening the door wider to let me in. I brushed by Vanessa, placing myself near her body. Vanessa was lucky enough to be taken out of the streets from one of her pimps. The rest of us
weren't as lucky.

We had some problems in the past, I just hoped she didn't bring up my current occupation.

𐙚 𝐈𝐅 𝐈 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐔𝐑 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃Where stories live. Discover now