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Paul: Well I don't know any lyrics we could use, John do you have any ideas?
John: Nope.
Paul: ringo? Anything?!
Ringo: Well I have wrote another song about the octopus!
Paul: Uh yeah...don't think so. Well, George what about you?
George: YES!! I was thinking like K-pop.
John: hahaha
Paul: I-
John: Hahaha that's funny George.
George: ? I'm serious. We could all wear pink suits and Paul could wear a skirt since he loves them so much!
Ringo: George what's gotten into you mate?
Paul: yes George, love. K-pop is.... Well-
John: it's shite.
Paul: YEAH
George: I can't believe this. You guys are all gits.
*George proceeds to stick both his middle fingers up and walks out the door and slams it shut like a BTS slay 😜.*

The day George turned kawaii🥰Where stories live. Discover now