The first step

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Crash-gate. A scandal that threatened to rip my family apart. There is not much to say about it aside from the obvious. The only people that see past it are my close friends and I want to keep it that way. Don't get me wrong I wish the events of that night would stay in the past but there is nothing that I can do about it. I just need to make sure that I am able to prove the doubters wrong. In case you haven't worked it out my name is Luna Piquet and yes I am the granddaughter of Nelson Piquet. The downside of that is that Nelson Piquet Jr is my uncle. Don't get me wrong I love him but his actions that night have come back to bite. After this race, I will be joining Alfa Romeo. Yes, a Formula 1 team. A lot of people are saying I am joining a Formula 1 team to repair the legacy that was broken that night. Well, it is a little more complicated than that. Ever since I found some old race footage from some of my grandpa's races I have been hooked on the idea of racing in a top tier category like he did. Right now I have to get through my last race as a Formula 2 driver. At least I know that I have won the driver's championship.

"You know you worry too much," The Russian accent belonging to my teammate Robert Swartzman pulls me out of my thoughts.

"The thing is you know why, better than anyone," I reply. He is right though. I worry too much. I just need to focus on controlling what I can and ignoring what I can't. The best thing that I can do is prove doubters wrong.

"Yeah well, that is in the past. You have a race to win," Robert retorts. Again he is right. I take a deep breath as we part ways. The thing is I know I have the best chance of winning as I will be starting on pole with Robert alongside me and we have both agreed that we are going to help each other if anything happens. It doesn't take long for me to make it to the garage where I am met by my engineer. Like Robert, he is excited for me. To be honest I am not really sure of what to think of my predicament.

"In case you are not aware everything is looking good. Just remember to push only when you need to," He gives me a piece of routine advice. Man, I am going to miss the team at Prema. Oh well, there is nothing that I can do about it. I need to follow my dreams. With that, I pull my balaclava over my head.

"Of course, Paul. I haven't forgotten that I am on pole," I responded as I made the final adjustments to my balaclava. Honestly, it is Robert who has the hard work. He needs to keep one of my greatest rivals behind me. His name is Guanyu Zhou. Yes, I will become teammates with the enemy. Not that I mind as Guanyu and I are close friends off the track after all we have a surprising amount in common. It will be an interesting race despite the fact that the Yas Marina circuit is not known for particularly fun races. After ten minutes of waiting the lights have come on. This is my last chance to convince people that I am good enough for the seat at Alfa Romeo. Lights out. I launch the car. To no one's surprise, my start is better than Robert's. Now I just need to settle into the standard rhythm of getting around the track. It doesn't take long for me to encounter an interesting problem. Guanyu has managed to overtake Robert now he is setting up for the overtake on me. I make a defensive move but in doing so I clip the front wing of Guanyu's car. I soon realise that there is something off with my car.

"Guys I sustained damage when I contacted Zhou's front wing," I used the radio to inform my lead engineer of what happened.

"Don't worry. I'll keep you updated," Paul responds.

"Ok. Thank you," I say. That is the response that I like to hear. Thankfully the contact hasn't resulted in any penalties yet. After ten minutes of work, it turns out that I am in the clear in regards to penalties. After an hour of racing and a few switches between Guanyu and me, it has come down to the start/finish straight on the last lap. It is pretty much a drag race. Come on. It is close but I manage to get ahead as I spot the chequered flag. It is close but I am flooded with relief as I cross the line in the first place.

"Congratulations Luna you are the Formula 2 champion," Paul confirms. I can hear the cheers over the radio. The noise puts a smile on my face. Not that they can see it. Well not yet anyway.

"I've known since Jeddah but I can't take all of the credit," I retorted. It doesn't take long for me to make it to the Parc Ferme area. It is there that I am met by Guanyu and Robert. Like me, they seem happy with the results. It doesn't take long for us to take our helmets and balaclavas off.

"You did well Luna," Guanyu beats Robert to complimenting me.

"Well, I had people pushing me in the right direction," I retorted. The thing is I am not sure if I would have made it through Formula 2 without both Robert and Guanyu. It has been a month since then and I am about to start the hardest part of my career. That is being a Formula 1 driver. I should be nervous but for some reason, I am feeling excited for once in my motorsports career. I guess it is just another endeavour for me to prove myself. I put it down to the fact that I am looking forward to the challenge of getting through the season. All of those thoughts are going through my head as I head to the last briefing before testing starts. I soon found the right room. I am not surprised that Guanyu has beaten me. I'm not exactly the most punctual person.

"Hey Luna," He greets me with a slight smile on his face.

"Hello, Guanyu," I responded. Ok, now the nerves have set in. After a quick conversation with Guanyu, the rest of the team joined us. With a quick scan of the small crowd, the team principal begins the process of bringing the team up to date with what is going to happen today. All I am getting from it is the fact that Guanyu and I need to get familiar with the car. Sure we won't be the only ones however there is more pressure on us as we are the only rookies joining the grid this season. I just hope that I can prove to people that I am more than just another Piquet.

"And that is all for now. Luna can I talk to you alone for a second," The team principal concludes his briefing.

"Of course," I reply as the others leave. I brace myself for the lecture about not worrying to prove myself.

"I just wanted to remind you that you have done the hardest part. Now you need to go and enjoy yourself," He remarks.

"That is the plan, Fred," I reply. With that, we part ways. At least Fred has my back. I just hope that I can deliver. Thankfully I am quick to get ready. I soon make my way to the garage where I am met by my lead mechanic who is quick to help me into the car. This is it. With a gesture from my lead mechanic, I get to work on testing the car. It feels much better than the Formula 2 car. The first thing I notice about the car is the fact that it has a substantial amount of downforce. It doesn't take long for me to establish a rhythm.

"Ok, Luna we would like you to try to set some laps at qualifying pace," My lead engineer remarks via the radio.

"I'll try my best," I responded. After two hours of work, the day's testing has come to an end and I am feeling exhausted. Despite that fact, I am still happy with where I am at. Sure I have a long way to go but there is a part of me that is feeling confident. Something tells me that the season will be difficult but I am going to get through it. Especially with some help from Guanyu. The thought puts a smile on my face as I leave the track.

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