Of tin cans and corridors

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Your name is Dave Strider and you cannot believe that a week into your 3-year journey through space in a meteor while being chased by a murderous god dog is this fucking boring.

Somehow you expected this to happen, when you first landed on this rock your strider instincts kicked up and told you 'you'll hate it here bro this is the second worst thing that could happen to you, living with aliens and your sister who is banging one of them, the hugest bitch that paradox space could provide with her partner being the only cool troll and an annoying shouty asshole who thinks hes entitled for everything get out of here' as suspected, you were right on the money which lead you to spending most of your time in your room with your music and no one else, not interacting with any living organism, but today you got bored of doing that too. You knew this day would come but you didnt expect it to be thos early on, oh well time to fuck off out of here, you're sick of this

You're wandering the halls and corridors of this tin can, since you're out of activities, or anyone to bother really. At this point all the locations are starting to merge with eathother, its all the same; metal walls, small vents, the echo your foot makes when it connects with the floor, honks(Honks? Murder clown) And the sound of your inner voice narrating this infodump. Your boredom has reached new heights because you passingly thought of flying away to fight the murder dog because you want to do anything but socialize, you recall why you haven't done that in a while.

You thought you would be able to connect to the only human flesh that co-exists here with you, Rose. What you forgot in this instant is that her time slots have been taken by Lalonde Maryam makeout sessions, well not really but the threat of interrupting said potential sessions is enough to make your skin crawl so you have decided to never interact with her until further notice or she gets bored from getting her tongue in an alien's mouth.

Your chance encounters with Terezi have always managed to cheer you up, even if they're really slim because shes been voluntarelly taken hostage by the one and only Vriska Seket, you still cant believe she chooses spending time with her over you, you've talked with her once and she immediately within her first sentences she managed to get on the top of your shit list, if it wasn't for Terezi being there you might have done something really awful.Suddenly during your walk you seriously miss her, Her constant smile whenever the occasion, her loud laugh whenever you make a good joke or how strong she is but still makes sure to not hurt you when she punishes your shoulder. Wow, shit since when have you been this fucking needy? Jesus, you meed to pull yourself together or you might kill yourself out of god damn patheticness.

You're thankful that Bro isn't here to take advantage of your current train of thought to attack you, like that one time you werent careful with your movement when you took whatever food leftovers there was and you tripped over some smuppets, he was behind you. You fucked up. You're worried; if you put your guard down for one moment, the enemy would take advantage to strife with you and the next thing you know is that you're on a roof bleeding, brusied up and- Wait does this meteor even have a roof? Why are you thinking this? Hes dead remember you saw his stupid dead body a while ago, he isnt here. Your joints tense without your will, your illogical paranoia over a dead fucking body is making you wish for a sword in your hands; thinking of the sound it makes when it clashes with the wall makes you dizy; You cant help it. You always hated it. This is going nowhere.

Before you continue on with that train of thought, a small tug of your cape drives your attention away. You look down and oh, it's the carapace you saw when you got here, you wondered where he went off.

"Oh hey little guy, what are you doing?" You say, giving him a faint smile; instead of responding he takes your hand and starts leading the way, you oblige.

"Okay where are you taking me? Dude i trust you but if I here a honk im absconding the fuck out you wont even see me leave did I tell you I was the flash? Cus im fucking fast carapace man-" he stops at the entrance of a room like any other room in this meteor, except theres a ridiculous number of cans what the fuck is this guy doing seriously you've been to convenience stores before but this is just on a whole ass new level is he like, a can afficionado or some sort? Either way it just further intrigues you and hey might aswell uncover this tin mystery because you got nothing better to do.

He hands you one of the bazllion spread out cans and he points out his sash and a red chalk piece.

"Mayor? Thats your name? If you're the mayor where is your town sir, you cant be a mayor without your people dude you have to be a symbol for them" explainin' dryly, you don't think he understands you because his response was to sit down and put two cans on top of eath other, he then gestures to the floor, using one of the chalk to draw what seems to be a road and- holy shit it just clicks hes making a town, no, a can town and he's asking for your assistance.

"Holy shit you want me to help you make god damn history? You should've said something earlier i would die for this nation. I will perfect your vision mayor for the sake of the populous of our glorious future capitalist city. You're george washington and im hamilton. We're doing this im fucking on with this I will put my blood sweat and tears into this shit just so you know mayor I love you and if i die please make a statue out of me so pigeons would shit on it thank you" You shake the mayor's hands furiously hes so small you think you might make him start flying and he makes a subtle expression and claps his hands, You're now considering that you might die for him.

You're now part of the can town construction team, and you have never felt this happy before seriously who knew drawing roads and stacking cans could be this euphoric? You're glad you're out of your room doing this, its suprisingly fun and isn't childish in anyway whatsoever. The mayor excuses himself to continue on his side of can town so you wave your hand goodbye, smilling at his adorable antics. For once you're not as tense or worried about anything that isn't cans, you're enjoying this small moment. You don't think anyone or anything can ruin what you're having right now.

That is until Karkat shows up. Fuck no.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2022 ⏰

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