Before and After

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Just a cute (or sad?) little one-shot I wrote up while working on my KOTOR re-telling "Fragmented." It can be considered part of that "universe," though you really don't need to read "Fragmented" to understand this. This has been posted on AO3 a while back - I forgot to put it here too for those who follow me for that story.

Hope you enjoy!


The sound of the younglings of the Dantooine Enclave rushed across the fields. Their tiny feet hit the grasses, their laughter sprinkled the air like sunlight warmed the face, and through the Force—joy.

Arren sat cross-legged in the grasses. So many sensations relapsed into the darkness of her vision. Normally, she would be stuck behind a cold desk preening over copies and copies of holocrons, documents, notes from the past. And now she oversaw the future. The younglings were all supposed to be overseen by Vrook Lamar, however, he was on some diplomatic mission. She jumped at the opportunity to substitute.

Need to get away from that stale boredom once and a while.

Most of the younglings had gone to the lake. The only child who didn't, Will, meditated underneath a tree. Lamar's "star" pupil. Another boy, Yonis, used the Force to throw pebbles at the young Will. Normal, playful teasing of children though she sensed that Will was not amused.

Arren wasn't supposed to allow them out during meditation. Oh, no—the children were supposed to stay indoors and keep their minds clear of thoughts of grandeur and imagination. One of the many disappointing changes brought about by Exar Kun's war.

A frown broke Will's thin lips.

Yonis was flung to the ground. Sniffles abound with bruised ankles.

There is no chaos, there is harmony.

She sighed before getting to her feet. The Force allowed her to move across the field without the need for a cane or implants. A perfect, clear picture overlaid the endless darkness. It amazed all of those who weren't Jedi, but the Force was just another crutch, really. One that Arren was forever tied down to.

Will's emotions flared as Yonis continued to cry. "—maybe you should have listened to me when I told you to leave me alone!"


The young boy's back straightened and a splinter of fear broke the anger. He didn't like being scolded—it was why he meditated underneath this tree even though Vrook Lamar was nowhere in sight.

Arren smiled before kneeling down by the young Yonis. Sending a soothing wave, the youngling ceased his crying. After that, she sent Yonis on his way. The poor boy splashed in the water with the others—pain all but forgotten.

Will had unshed tears in his eyes. "I..." The boy bowed to his knees. "Please accept my humblest apologies, Master. I should not have let my emotions get the best—"

"Oh, stop it, you. I won't tell Lamar if that's what you're worried about." She sat underneath the tree while raising a brow up at the child. Will's tiny head peeked up from his bow. That proud expression appeared on his face again. Like student, like teacher. Arren waved a hand. "Run along, now. Go play with your peers. You only have an hour before supper."

"But, Master..." The boy kicked a rock. "Shouldn't we be meditating? There is no passion, there is serenity."

Lamar really had them brainwashed.

"Passion, is it?"

"Yes, Master. We aren't allowed to feel excitement. Emotions lead to the dark side. Master Lamar said—"

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