The First Day Back

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Leah walked into her private school a smile on her face. She couldn't let people know her life was miserable. When she stopped to wait for her friend she leaned against the wall to wait for school to open. Then she saw ✨him✨ walk in the door. She had had a crush on him since the moment she laid her eyes on him the first time she came to this school. She walked into her 2nd grade classroom and saw Alex. She liked him immediately and now she was in 7th grade with the same crush. She always asked herself why she liked him but then his smile would remind her. He was nice, cute, funny, and had the best eyes she ever looked at, all she could think of at night.

He was surrounded by his friends as usual. He was the youngest of all his friends but he was the tallest and dreamiest of all of them. He was also older than Leah by a year but she still liked him. She glanced at him every now and again but  didn't want him to know about her feelings toward him. Leah always thought he felt the same way but never felt sure.

Then Leah saw Mallory coming around the group of boys to meet her. Mallory was Leah's best friend at the moment even though she was 2 years younger than Leah. Mal didn't know that Leah had a crush on Alex because Leah had huge trust issues. But they were still close  friends.

"Hey!" Mallory said a smile on her face "Guess what!"


"I made the biggest snowman yesterday and my dog attacked it!" Mallory beamed "It was as tall as you!" Mallory wouldn't shut up about how tall Leah was just because she was taller than her.

"Wow! Why'd your dog attack it?" Leah was giggling

"Because my brother told her to. Can you believe it? My dog did what my brother told her to do! This is outrageous!"

"Why is it outrageous?"

"Because she's my dog!" Mallory yelled the sound echoing through the little gym. A teacher walked up to them.

"Quiet girls there are other people trying to work in class ok?"

"Yes ma'am." Mallory said

"Oh. Miss Katherine when will we be able to go inside? It's freezing in here." Leah asked

"About 2 minutes."

"Ok thanks." said Leah

"Why do you need to know?" Alex said

"Because I have better things to do than stand around." Leah said a smirk on her face. She loved talking with Alex. It made her happy.

"Like what? Work on a drawing?" Alex knew Leah loved doodling in her free time.

"No. Actually I left my ball pump in my desk and my football is flat." Leah said. She also loved sports. She was the only girl in her class after all they taught her a lot: how to be competitive, how to not be afraid of doing what she loved, and being awesome.

"That's hard to believe, Leah."

"Not really, I do make mistakes just like you but mine are not as stupid as yours might be." Leah smirked again she knew he knew she was joking. She could see it on his face but his friends didn't get the hint.

"Bro,  you got roasted by a girl." His friend Chase said

"It's fine it's just Chicke." Alex said smirking as he started walking toward their classroom. In all the excitement Leah didn't even notice the school doors get opened or all the kids getting inside to get into class. Leah's nickname at school for the longest time was Chicke and she liked it too but she thought he forgot about that name and she was surprised to be called that again.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2022 ⏰

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