That Bitch Vanessa

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I tried to stuff down the burgers Levi ordered for the three of us. Vanessa was all over him, I bet her sugar daddy got tired of her annoying ass as well.

Taking a sip of my coke, Levi started up a conversation. I couldn't stand seeing Vanessa in the same place as me, I wanted to get up a leave but I had no where to go.

I would never forgive her for what she did to me and Jay. Jay was a good friend of mine but passed in 84 from HIV, he was the only friend I had besides Tina.

"Just go on and give him what he paid for" Vanessa and her bff Avery giggled.

"You guys he freaks me out I don't wanna go alone" Fright began to grown in my body.

This man was above any age range I allowed at the time, and he looked suspicious as fuck.

"It's fine, look we'll stand right here and scream if you need any help" Vanessa pointed towards the doors frame. I was pissed, she took everything as a joke.

Jay held my hand "you don't have to if you don't want" Jay was very understanding, especially in his circumstances.

Being a gay man in the 80s wasn't a safe thing, he could get killed or harassed, and that's why we always held each other down.

I wished he could go in with me but the man couldn't stand to look at him, he said he needed a "real woman" which had me and Jay tight.

I took a deep breath, being sure I was stable before making my entrance. The plan was for a hand job and breast play, I hoped this would go well.

I took a step in before Vanessa closed the door, quickly. My eyes darted back, "you can sit anywhere" the man stated. I took my seat on a chair in the far corner.

"So what are your kinks?" I started off easy, I didn't wanna rush in at all.

"We'll I like foreplay and some dirty talk, but I do have this one thing. Don't judge me" the man chuckled a bit.

My heart raced, I hoped it wasn't anything extreme or my time here was done.

"Go on" I insisted.
"I like getting pissed on" my eyes widened, the man looked to be proud of his kink. Practically drooling of the the thought of that.

I almost threw up, I told Vanessa I didn't want to but I had to get my bills paid. Since me and Jay are living in a mini apartment on 48th I couldn't afford to get evicted.

"Come here" the man pursed his lips, signaling my presents. I bite my lip, not to seduce but out of scare.

"You think she's gonna do it?" Vanessa filed her nails. Jay tried to get a better view through the window but it wasn't any success, the motels windows were dirty as hell.

"Maybe, I mean she's hella desperate" Avery giggled along with Vanessa.

The man kissed my neck, his lips were super wet making me gag a bit. His teeth were dirty and his breath was hot and smelled like old salmon.

I didn't even wanna touch this guy's dick. I didn't even want it inside of me.

"One second" the man got off of me.

He searched through a drawer near the bed, it seemed he's been living here for a while.

He pulled out a gold pack of condoms. "You're in for a ride baby girl" his words triggered my legs to shut close. I wasn't trying to be rude but I wasn't comfortable.

I tried to get up but the man swiftly pinned me down. "Sir I would like to leave please" I struggled to keep my composure. My heart raced, "Oh come on" the man was fully naked by now. His member hardened and I was stuck with my underwear half way off my body.
"You guys I hear something" Jay put his ear to the motel door.

"Yeah it's Gia getting her thang pounded" Vanessa and Avery mocked, Jay's jaw tensed at the thought of anything happening to Gia.
"Help" I screamed. The door knob shook but it was locked.

"You have people with you?" The man questioned. His eyes filed with a mix of desperation and anger, it was the same look my father gave me. The thought of my father left me dumbfounded, I yelped.
"You guys help" Jay tried his hardest to bust the door open but it wouldn't budge.
"Get off of me" I managed to kick him in the balls. My foot touched his bare parts cause my to almost barf, he was big, slow enough for me to pull up my underwear and open the door.

Jay was on the other side of the doorway. I plunged into his arms "thank god you're okay, I was trying to get in but these bitches wouldn't help" tears fell from my eyes. I couldn't believe Avery and Vanessa didn't bother to help Jay, I could've gotten hurt or worse.

I lightly shoved Jay out the way. Throwing a slap to Vanessa's face. "You bitch" before she got any hit Avery held her back, I walked away. Jay followed behind me "let her ass go" Avery gripped her shoulders.

I snapped from my memory. I remember that day, that had been the first and last time I ever took hotel calls. I was hurt and scared, and when Levi helped me that day it brought back memories.

It was far more worse than the hotel, I'll tell you but it wasn't as horrific as when two girls I thought were my 'friends' did me dirty. I felt hopeless, knowing that I couldn't fight back in those situations. But I always thanked god for the help of others, all the time.

"Gia" he called. "Gia" he said again. I snapped quickly out of my hold, "I'm gonna go to my room" I knew Vanessa remembered me. Not much has changed with me, but she looked surely wealthy.

I wondered why she was here.

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