paper rings

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(A/N: Valentine's Day is just a few days away and I want to share my pre-valentine special offering to this fandom with the two of my favorite ships in this franchise. This is the 5th part of my short collection series, 'Fire In My Heart.' There will be only 2 chapters for this fic and each chapter is just a one-shot story for each pairing. First chapter will be the Fuyutake ship, and this was greatly inspired by the song Paper Rings from the Lover album of Taylor Swift. This takes place in an alternate universe hence they're of legal age engaging in adult activities. There will be explicit sexual content. If this is not your cup of tea, then stop reading and hit the back button right there. If all is good from your end, then continue reading further. The next and final chapter will be updated on Valentine's Day alongside with the additional tags. I don't own anything from this franchise. Respective ownership belongs to Ken Wakui for this wonderful manga and Taylor Swift for this wonderful song. Lastly, enjoy this ride while it lasts).

I like shiny things, but I'd marry you with paper rings

Takemichi shot him a cheerful smile and wave before the guy went inside his car and drove away.

As soon as he left the smile fell from Takemichi's lips and a disgruntled sigh escaped him as he walked inside his house and closed the door behind him.

He quickly took his phone from his pockets and dialed in the familiar number of his best friend, letting it ring for a few seconds before it was answered by a lax yet deep voice of the other male from the other side of the line.

"Hey, partner. You call early this evening. Date's over?"

"Ugh. Chifuyu...!" He bemoaned as he sagged on the on the doorway and closed his eyes briefly. "I feel like I ruined our date. Like Suzuki-kun seemed to be the ideal date and boyfriend material! He's a gentleman, has a good sense of humor, smart and damn gorgeous like what would you even ask for right? But no... I have to fuck things up and just you know ruin our 'moment together' earlier." He ranted and let out an exasperated breath.

Chifuyu let him rant over the phone, listening casually as he surfed through the channels of his television with the remote control on his other hand.

"Uh huh. So, what did you do this time partner?" Chifuyu asked casually as he sunk on the softness of his couch.

"After our date he took me to this scenic spot where we could see the stars and the whole background of the city. It was beautiful! He thought it was the right and perfect moment to you know... initiate something romantic... and we kissed at the back of the car... things get a little heated—."

"Takemichi. Too much information. Just get to the part where you fucked things up since I don't need to know what the hell you two are doing every second." Chifuyu cut him off with a slight roll of his eyes.

"Dumbass. I was getting to that part when your smartass mouth cut me off!" Takemichi shot back. "Anyways, we're on the middle of making out and everything was going fine and dandy when I stopped him. I stopped him Chifuyu. Ugh. Out of nervousness I let the opportunity pass to have a mind-blowing sex on the back of his car." Takemichi whined at the other end of the line.

"And he stopped just like that?" Chifuyu raised a brow.

"Yeah, he did." Takemichi sighed deeply.

"He really takes the word gentleman to another level. At least he wasn't like your other date, Hiroto, who's a goddamn playboy and wants to bed you after what...? One to two dates?" Chifuyu replied casually.

the heart wants what it wantsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora