I am Lucy Heartfillia...

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Lucy' P.O.V:

"Mother... Please don't leave me!" I cried as my mother was slowly dying.

"I-I, am a proud Heartfillia..." I said as she was lifted up to heaven.

I woke up that day... From a terrible nightmare that was of my past. I always wondered what her Father thought of Mother.

"Lady Lucy! Your Father will see you now!"  One of my 'maids' said to me.

"Arigato! Tell him I'll be there soon." I shoke my head, meaning to dismiss her.

I changed, then went straight down stairs. I bowed.

"Yes? Father."
"I arranged your marriage with... Sting Eucliffe." Jude, Lucy's father said.
"Wh-What?! Father, him? Why can't I chose who I want to be with?"
"Just like your mother... Accept that I'm your guardian! I know what's best for you!"
"No?!" My father forcefully hit me on my cheek.

My cheek turned red. I heard gasps from the hall.

"All I want is to choose my future!" I screamed at him as a tear fell from my eyes.
"Well you can't you brat!" He screamed back.

I fell to the ground as I heard the word 'brat'.

I felt power in my veins. My blood was boiling. Then all of a sudden... I felt magic. It was me.

"I'm not a so called 'brat'! I'm stronger then you! And I always been! Mother would have been living still if you didn'-!"

He hit me hard again. "Not now... The maid's are watching..." He said harmfully.

I toke a deep breath. "If you didn't try to kill me!"

Thats when there was a spark. I was In a New World.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2015 ⏰

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