everyone eyes are now on me

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Everyone's eyes are now on me.
Not because I've done something great
Because now I'm the topic of debate
Why, you may ask
Well the answer is simple
It's because I am a pimple
What makes me this you might be wondering
It's the way I react that keeps them pondering
Shaking and crying
Taping my feet
Feeling the burning in my throat
My whole world put on halt
The anxiety bubbles
The depression bubbles
It goes on and on
Someone please help me
I'm forming words but nothing's coming out
The tears overpower the words
The sadness outweighs the happiness
My mind gone blank
As I cry in my corner
As everyone watches my undoing
But at this point I'm just a persistent pimple
I go away for a while
But I'm always back again
The ups
And the downs
Who can blame them for looking
I'm the only one out of the norm
Strange how that works
That the emotions we all have
Will turn you into an outcast
But if you knew the things my mind puts me through
You would cry too
Infact you would too fear for your life
Just as I do

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2022 ⏰

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